Fiction By Rating FR-7
A/S/L by Lady Jesca Willow/Spike When they say there are bad people on the Internet, somehow they didn't mean the Big Bad...
Better This Way by Wildecate Buffy/Angel(us) Buffy and Angel reflecting.
Chained To You by Tracy G Buffy/Angel(us) Buffy and Willow visit Cordelia in LA
Deathwish by Wildecate Willow/Spike Willow does something stupid and Spike acts out of character.
Diary by Lady Jesca Xander/Dawn Dawn tells Xander about her feelings in her own little way.
Dreams Of Nothing by Annanara Xander/Willow Xander has some rather revealing nightmares
Epiphany by Moonloon Andrew/Warren Drabble. A sudden revelation
Escape by Shannon Dawn/Draco Dawn is trying escape her sister and wanders into a nightclub.
Graveside Gift by Annanara Xander/Willow Its been a year since Xander visited his friend's grave. While there, an old friend decides to show up. Sequel to Graveside Goodbye.
Graveside Goodbye by Annanara Xander/Willow Xander deals with loss and the realization of his feelings
He Got Me by AllytheVamp Cordelia/Xander Cordelia thinks over her relationship with Xander
Her Floor Is My Ceiling by Persnef Buffy/Angel(us) What if Xander knew something about Buffy?
Hero: An Alternate Ending by Tracy G Buffy/Angel(us) What if Xander knew something about Buffy?
History by Wildecate Cordelia/Angel(us) A brief look at Angel and Cordelia
It Doesn't Matter by Dave A Tara/Willow Willow Has A Fight with Tara and Goes to Xander for Help
I Watch Her From Afar by Wildecate Willow/Legolas Greenleaf Willow has a guardian angel. Or should that be guardian elf?
Letting Go by Wildecate Tara/Willow Set after “Grave”. Tying up some loose ends.
Looking On by Wildecate Tara/Willow Bit of weepie
Lullaby by Wildecate Cordelia/Doyle This is a Doyle and Cordelia piece.
The Meeting by Shannon Willow/Bill Weasley Bill is sent to recruit a new member for the order.
Moving On by Wildecate Willow/Legolas Willow is transported to Middle Earth and finds comfort in the arms of someone unexpected.
One Final Goodbye by Michael Donovan Buffy/Angel(us) After the Ascension is thwarted, Buffy and Angel see each other one more time before he leaves
Partners For Life by Hils Buffy/Spike Takes place after the finale. Spike makes a decision
The Prom by Tracy G Buffy/Angel(us) Rewrite of the break-up scene in 'The Prom'.
Remember Me This Way by Serendipity Giles/Willow It's incredibly short :)
Reminder by Wildecate Buffy/Angel(us) Short story - Angel musing on Buffy after Joyce's stern motherly talk.
Sacrifices by Tracy G Buffy/Angel(us) What if Buffy was the one who went to the Oracles in the end of 'IWRY', instead of Angel?
Sad by Shannon Dawn/Wyatt Halliwell Dawn is stuck at Magic School for the holidays.
Sea Lullibies And Vampire Lovers by Spikesangel Spike/Drusilla Spike thinks about his past with Drusilla.
Second Guess by Starla Buffy/Angel(us) A short POV story
Secret Garden by Wildecate Cordelia/Angel(us) Cordelia finds that she's bored with her trendy world.
Seventh Day by Cilia Willow/Spike The last Slayer lies and waits for the end with an old friend
Silicone by Persnef Willow/Spike Willow has a secret
A Slayers Holiday: There And Back Again by Wildecate Buffy/Legolas Greenleaf Buffy saves an old man who turns out to be Gandalf....
Sole Survivor by Wishful Thinker Willow/Spike Amy notices a strange person following her friend
Special by Trinity Day Buffy/Angel(us) An alternate timeline. Angel visits Buffy's grave.
Three Little Words by Hils Buffy/Spike A little insight into what prompts Buffy's decision about Spike's chip. Takes place immediately after The Killer in Me
Weeping Willow by Annanara Xander/Willow A cursed Willow disappears, leaving a saddened Xander behind.
Your Sleeping Friends by Starla Buffy/Angel(us) Willow's POV about Buffy and Angel