[1.09-41.40] It’s as show

Goof seen in: The Puppet Show at 41.40

Surely someone in the audience must have heard the loud fight going on just behind the curtain? And who pulled the curtain? Where were the rest of the people in the talent show when all this was going on?

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 22nd September 2004
    Updated: › 18th April, 2005
    Hits: › 352  

    One Comment about “[1.09-41.40] It’s as show”

    1. anniec says:

      This is a stage convention, and a convention frequently borrowed by television, which, because of time and financial constraints, has to fudge details sometime. If the fudge factor doesn’t detract from the story, there’s no point in ridiculing it.

      It’s a form of artistic license: sure they could have staged the fight in the cafeteria or something, where no one else would see or hear, but instead they pretended that no one else happened to be behind the curtain at the moment, and that no one could hear through the curtain.

      Examples of artistic license can be explained away. For example, let’s say that the other actors were in the green room at the time rehearsing their bits, and the resulting cacaphony was loud enough to drown out Buffy’s fight. And let’s say that a brass ensemble was performing in front of the curtain at the time; and we didn’t hear them, or the hearty applause that followed their performance, because the noise had to be filtered out of the sound track or we wouldn’t be able to hear buffy and company.

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