[2.01-39.10] Them bones

Goof seen in: When She Was Bad at 39.10

At the end of the episode, when Buffy is smashing the Master’s bones with a sledge hammer, she is seen smashing his rib cage to bits, in another shot, the rib cage is magically back and we see her smash it again.

Source:› Thanks to Becky
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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 22nd September 2004
    Updated: › 18th April, 2005
    Hits: › 459  

    6 Comments about “[2.01-39.10] Them bones”

    1. Aurora says:

      In When She Was Bad, one of the Goofs states: “when Buffy is smashing the Master’s bones with a sledge hammer, she is seen smashing his rib cage to bits, in another shot, the rib cage is magically back and we see her smash it again.” Actually, all we see is her smash the lefthand side of the rib cage to bits. In the other shot, the camera looks through what remains of the righthand side of the rib cage, and then we see her smash that.

      In the same episode, when the sacrifices are hanging upside down over the Master’s bones, Willow’s stunt double is clearly seen many times with dark brown hair, not the trademark red.

      [Edit by Jess 09.07.05] Moved from ‘Suggest Some Trivia’ page.

    2. Magic Malcolm says:

      There’s definitely a few Skeletal goofs at work here in When She Was Bad.

      Whilst he’s hanging upside down above them, Giles hand brushes against one of the Master’s bones and it clearly bends.

      Buffy smashes the Master’s skull with the sledgehammer…yet when the Annointed One is surveying the damage at the very end of the episode, the skull is intact.

    3. Saintsaucey says:

      did willow have red hair yet in when she was bad.

    4. Blondie-Bear says:

      Willow has always had red hair, it’s length just varied, and it went black for a couple of episodes at the end of season 6

    5. marvin21st says:

      And white for the last one.

    6. Jess says:

      It was kind of a dull brownish red in season one, though. And the publicity photos for season six show her with blonde streaks, which looked terrible.

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