[2.13-41.27] Vampire erections

Goof seen in: Surprise at 41.27

How could Angel get an erection? Surely vampires have no heart beat, therefore no blood flow, therefore they can’t get erections.

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 1st October 2004
    Updated: › 18th April, 2005
    Hits: › 992  

    35 Comments about “[2.13-41.27] Vampire erections”

    1. shibbydm says:

      I thought that, but was laughed out of the living room.

      Im with you, theres no possible way!

    2. Jess says:

      Plus, it’s fun to speculate about vampire penises.

    3. ildjarn says:

      Rigor mortis?

      And what about Buffy having sex with Angel and Spike? Or was that erectionless sex?

    4. Abby M. says:

      Is that possible, wait! Don’t want to know!

    5. marvin21st says:

      There has got to be somthing pumping the blood around otherwise wouldnt thier flesh rot.

    6. Mel says:

      Another fact about the “can vampires get erections?” theory could also be raised such as “how in the name of God did Darla get pregnant” coz as far I would like to think vampires can’t ejaculate and female vampires don’t ovulate!

      I know that in Angel this was explained away by it being pre-destined but just how did Darla manage to carry a child and how did the child get conceived in the first place?

    7. mairceridwen says:

      I think the drinking of the blood probably takes care of skin rot. maybe erections are a result of muscle memory, but on the level of the nerves on the capillaries around one vampire’s member.

    8. marvin21st says:

      I know that they drink blood … duh but I mean to say once they drink it how would it get to their extremities.

    9. hailtothechimp says:


    10. mairceridwen says:

      again, capillary nerve memory–or some kind of vampire specific bacteria carries it arround on their backs

    11. marvin21st says:

      ok thats fair enough but last time you said muscle memory not the same thing

    12. mairceridwen says:

      no, I said muscle memory (to introduce the concept) but seeing as one’s member is not a muscle, I brought it down to the idea of capillary nerve memory. read the whole post next time

    13. Saintsaucey says:

      angel did say that vamps can’t have kids in bad eggs. but then again spike said that blood makes them hard in the gift. (or one of the season five eps.) vamps are techlichally dead. maybe they have perminit rigamortis down there.

      non errect sex includes popsicle sticks and…never mind

    14. marvin21st says:

      Thanks for the imagery.

    15. Jess says:

      Hmm, somehow I think all the passion would have gone from the Spike/Buffy relationship if he’d had to prop himself up everytime they got frisky.

    16. Puja says:

      Blood isn’t pumped around the veins by the heart. The heart only does the arteries. It’s pumped around the veins by the movement of muscles which squish the veins. That’s why you get DVT when you don’t move your legs on a flight.

      So maybe all vampire blood is transferred by squishing by muscles. That just means you’d need to have fairly energetic sex to keep the blood flowing.


    17. marvin21st says:

      Well they were definatly energetic.

    18. mairceridwen says:

      vamps are stronger than humans, perhaps this enhanced strength is related to the muscle movement that moves the blood around.

      i still like the idea of vampire specific bateria carrying it on their backs.

      only about 1% of travelers get DVT when they fly, and mostly from long-trips.

      How do coma patient’s veins pump their blood? Aren’t there also valves that help move blood through the veins?

    19. Puja says:

      Mair: Coma patients muscles twitch almost unnoticeably which keeps the blood moving. This is the same thing that stops *everyone* getting DVT. However, it doesn’t work very well in the long-term, which is why inactive people get blood clots and bedsores.

      The valves prevent the blood from moving backwards when the veins are squeezed. They just direct the flow, rather than add any impetus.


    20. Rozzi says:

      Gee Whizz, i think u guys all solved the “how do male vamps get a boner?” question… so is it popsickle sticks (which is a little bit too weird to be even funny) or the muscle twitchin similar to that of coma patients??

    21. cardboardy says:

      Vampires = no life, no heartbeat. but bloodflow? hmmm, they bleed to sire, and when they’re bashed up, we’ve seen it lots. and angel’s blood was the key to more than one portal in season 2. I never thought about the penis thing, but that’s just cause i’m not a penis person. but i firmly hold the belief that its stiffys a go go for our heroine. just no baby batter anywhere to be seen.

    22. somethingblue says:

      “stiffys a go go” is sooo clever. And in Spike explains that vampires have rushing blood in many different and memorable moments in the series. Two that come to mind:

      Season 5, the Gift, Spike says to Xander: “Blood is life, lackbrain. Why do you think we eat it? It’s what keeps you going. Makes you warm. Makes you hard. Makes you other than dead. Course it’s her blood.” - Notice the makes you hard comment….

      Season 7, Touched: Spike says to Buffy “I don’t exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood, which doesn’t exactly rush in the direction of my brain.” - I would assume that means the blood rushes in the direction of his erection! or at least his penis.

      I’m all for Spike talking about where his blood flows:)

    23. slightlyembarrased says:

      you guys DEFINITELY need to get out more often….

    24. somethingblue says:

      Is it vampire erections that are distasteful (sorry for the pun) topics or just our handling of the topic…heehee

      By the way, I just popped quickly onto a Lost discussion board for the first time. What a bunch of annoying gits, I must say! It truly makes me appreciate the level of intelligence of you wonderful people on this Buffy site. I’m spoiled and can never enjoy another television show online discussion board again…but that’s ok. I don’t think I can even stand to read any more of their comments!!! Thank goodness for Buffy fans!

    25. cardboardy says:

      “You guys DEFINITELY need to get out more often…. ”

      I love it when geeks say that to each other! … so do you!

    26. MagicBone says:

      Maybe we should all just board up the doors and windows to our houses so we don’t have to worry about that pesky sunlight or leaving.

    27. alygrey says:

      In response to the ejaculation deal, I always assumed that vampires could, and that the sperm was dead or inactive or whatever.

    28. becsug says:

      Maybe, cos otherwise Angel should have been a tad surprised to have any kind of output when he gives in to Darla in ‘Reprise’. A century of banging her dry, then suddenly there’s undead baby lotion entering [cough] the equation? It would be a heads up (sorry about the pun) at the very least.

    29. Abby M. says:

      3 words: Best pun ever.

    30. Abby M. says:

      Ahh, sorry about the double post but I just remembered something: In Beneath You, when Spike and Buffy talk in the chapel, Spike crazily says something to the effect of, “Get the flesh hard, service the girl” and goes to unzip/unbutton his pants. So I guess that confirms that vampires do get erections.

    31. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I must say that this is the most Trio-like discussion of the…ever.

      To add my opinion to the board (even though nobody may want it), I think that it was confirmed before this; it isn’t neccessary that this be stated for us to figure it out by this point in the series.

    32. All4Spike says:

      I remember an interview with Joss Whedon somewhere (sorry, can’t remember where off the top of my head), who said “Of course vampires can get erections, if they didn’t the show wouldn’t have lasted a season!” (or words to that effect)

      So there you go… vampires can get erections ‘cos Joss says so… and he makes the rules ‘cos it’s his ‘verse we’re in isn’t it?

    33. Abby M. says:

      Hmm, good enough for me.

    34. All4Spike says:

      In response to becsug… in addition to Abby M’s contribution… Another bit of Spike’s speech in the chapel in ‘Beneath you’ (incidentally IMHO one of the most powerful and emotional scenes in the entire series, James Marters’s delivery is masterful and I cry every time) has him saying he was ’spilling useless buckets of salt over your… ending’ and if you consider the most likely substance he was referring to… salty… spilling… and useless… therefore infertile…

    35. Abby M. says:

      True true.

      Oh and absolutely. At the end where Spike just hangs on the cross and asks Buffy if he can rest now: It takes my breath away. I love it.

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