[3.04-05.52] Missing Oz

Goof seen in: Beauty and the Beasts at 05.52

The Scoobies think Oz-wolf may have escaped, and killed - do they really believe that Oz, in werewolf form, escaped through the open window in the library, killed the student, and then climbed back in the window to be there in the morning?

Related Trivia:
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  • Missing episode
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  • [2.03a-38.31] No tattoo
  • [2.03-38.19] Where’s Willow?
  • Notable absence?
  • Lojack
  • [1.09-34.53] Power circle
  • Suggested by: Mel
    Added: › 4th October 2004
    Updated: › 3rd August, 2005
    Hits: › 265  

    One Comment about “[3.04-05.52] Missing Oz”

    1. Mullsen says:

      The window is barely open too, so obviously they thought he must have closed it slightly when he climbed back, cause werewolves always do that. These people aren’t thinking straight at this point.

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