[3.10-01.49] Hotty

Goof seen in: Amends at 01.49

Despite the numerous mentions of how hot it is, many characters are still wearing coats and warm clothes.

Suggested by: Jess
Added: › 4th October 2004
Updated: › 18th April, 2005
Hits: › 394  

4 Comments about “[3.10-01.49] Hotty”

  1. margybee says:

    I’ve noticed this too; I always thought it was strange. It must have been pretty cold though, in Amends, since it started snowing — and the snow didn’t melt upon hitting the ground.

  2. Smash says:

    Here’s something that’s always bugged me about that epidisode-a tiny flurry of snow is not going to block out the sun. Maybe mister Californian weatherman has never seen a snowstorm before, but take it from a Canadian girl-it is never dark as night during a flurry like they suggested in this episode.

  3. Comfortador says:

    When I lived in California they would have ear muffs and knit caps on when it was under 60 degrees Fahrenheit (you celsius people can do your own math). The nice weather spoils them and thins their blood.

  4. Esual says:

    hey, clouds could not block the sun that much, so much that it looks like night, however f clouds cover up the sky does that mean vampires are not in direct sunlight and can walk around? also, how is it that when sunlight shines through a window it burn Vampires? they constantly say that its direct sunlight that gets them, but if its going through glass it is not direct?

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