[4.02-38.06] Disappearing phone

Goof seen in: Living Conditions at 38.06

When Buffy and Kathy are fighting, the phone falls in front of their nightstands. Later, when the portal is opened, the phone is nowhere to be seen.

Related Trivia:
  • Dorm phone
  • Phone number
  • Hearing about Jenny
  • Marvellous speaking tube
  • Who? What? Huh?
  • [1.13a-18.30] Angel’s phone
  • [3.22-11.45] Angel’s reflection
  • [4.16-38.06] Ventriloquist Willow
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 22nd September 2004
    Updated: › 22nd April, 2005
    Hits: › 198  

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