[6.03-12.42] Phoning Giles

Goof seen in: After Life at 12.42

Willow says she’s spoken to Giles in London. As he only left earlier that day there’s no way he could have made it all the way to England in that amount of time. It takes about 11 hours to fly from L.A. to London. Also, what number did she call Giles on? He wouldn’t have had time to set up a phone number in England and he doesn’t seem to have a mobile phone.

Related Trivia:
  • Giles jogs
  • Giles the animal
  • Giles and Joyce
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  • [2.16-38.34] Giles’ cravat
  • [5.20-20.11] Speared Giles?
  • Buffy’s man
  • Hearing about Jenny
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 23rd September 2004
    Updated: › 25th May, 2005
    Hits: › 382  

    One Comment about “[6.03-12.42] Phoning Giles”

    1. Mullsen says:

      The resurrection spell took place at midnight. If the plane left L.A, say, around noon he would have already been in England at least an hour by then. When Willow called him it would be much later at night, so Giles could have made it home no matter when he left.

      Giles tells Buffy in ‘Flooded’ that he keeps a flat in Bath, which probably means (since he wouldn’t have had time to find one the few days he was there) that he already had a place, and probably a phone number, all set up for when he was ready to leave, and Willow would most definitely have that number.

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