A Bear’s Tale

In an episode of A Bear’s Tale (a British comedy programme from the creators of Bo’Selecta), the character Bear says, “Mum you look beautiful, even more beautiful that Buffy The Vampire Slayer“.

Related Trivia:
  • Care Bears
  • Teddy Bear’s Picnic
  • Shark Tale
  • Tale of the Body Thief
  • Goldilocks
  • Calexico
  • Return of Holland
  • Horse wishing
  • Suggested by: Mel
    Added: › 12th August 2005
    Updated: › 20th August, 2005
    Hits: › 815  

    14 Comments about “A Bear’s Tale”

    1. Jess says:

      Hi Mel,

      What’s A Bear’s Tale? Is it a movie or cartoon. Excuse my ignorance!

    2. lins11 says:

      A Bear’s Tale is a 30 minute comedy program from the creators of Bo’Selecta. It is shown on Channel 4 in GB. It focuses on the bear character from the Bo’Selecta skits. Hope this helps Jess!!

    3. Jess says:

      Thanks, lins. See how unknowledgable I’ve got since I stopped watching TV?!

    4. ildjarn says:

      Who needs TV when you have DVDs without commercials?

      I’ve stopped watching TV a long time ago. That’s why most of the episodes from season 5 and later were completely new to me when I watched them on DVD.

    5. Jess says:

      Exactly, ildjarn. We only ever watch DVDs and my life has since been Big Brother and DIY show free.

    6. ant4buffy says:

      Ah, big brother; the cheapest form of crap on television

    7. Mel says:

      The show is the work of Leigh Francis who plays quite a few characters on the show including Bear, Avid Merrion and Keith Lemon.

      Bear lives with his adopted mum, her boyfriend and daughter.

      The mum, Helena, is played by Patsy Kensit and her boyfriend, Richard, is played by Sean Pertwee (yum!!! one of the reasons I watch the show….lol.)

      Through the show there are also clips o f characters from Leigh Francis’ other show Bo’ Selecta.

      Hope this helps,


    8. Mel says:

      I have to admit that I am addicted Big Brother (you are probably all gonna disown me now….lol).

      Both my husband and I have been hooked since the first series.

    9. Jess says:

      Gah! Mel, tut tut. I really enjoyed the first series of Big Brother because there was lots of opportunities to talk about the moral implications of the show whilst watching a load of strangers do nothing.

      Now the producers of the show clearly just want sex and fame starved eejits to show their tits on telly. The people who audition for the show are just so desperate for fame - ANY kind of fame - it’s really sad. They get in the house and the tabloids go wild for their “sexploits” (to use a tabloid term). Then they come out of the house, and a couple of weeks later are being called washed-up fame-seekers by the very newspapers and magazines who couldn’t get enough of them previously.

      No, give me my Buffy DVDs any day!

    10. Mel says:

      I do know what you mean Jess and I do have to say that this years housemates were the worst of all.

      There were only about 4 of them I actually liked.

      I admit that now its all over, I am going back to my Buffy & Angel.

    11. ildjarn says:

      Last night, I actually watched TV instead of DVDs (because a SMG movie was on, ‘Simply irresistible’).

      On a sidenote, is it just me or is her choice of movies rather poor? I’ve seen a few of her movies, and none of them are as good as in Buffy, and I’m mostly blaming the story for it, not her.

    12. NotFadeAway says:

      I agree with you ildjarn. Sarah Michelle Geller clearly has done a very bad job choosing movie roles since Scream 2 (which I liked, although not nearly as much as the original.) Also, there are some really good shows on television now, especially Veronica Mars, which I beg everyone who reads this to watch (otherwise it might wind up getting cancelled.)

    13. mairceridwen says:

      Unfortunately, SMG is not terribly versatile as an actress. Also, I’m not sure how much choice she (or any actress at her level) has in films. They’re in kind of a bind, needing to balance exposure with quality. Often it’s more important to remain visible than to hold out for something good. Also, I feel like several of the movies she’s done are things that sound good on paper, but never really translate well onscreen.

    14. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      Pesonally, I have to believe that she is a very good actress, as her work on BTVS shows. However, aside from Cruel Intentions-and that movie isn’t too good-, she hasn’t had anything in film that could even give her a chance to show her acting ability, and I hate to say it, but Ryan Philipe seemed to carry that movie, not that Sarah Michelle Geller didn’t perform well in the film.
      Also, although I don’t watch Big Brother (as that would be something of a sin, given that shows like that have replaced most of the good ones), I’ve heard that the version that we get in the U.S. is even more pathetic than the one in the U.K., so it could be worse.

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