In Bad Eggs, the offspring of the Mother Bezoar is very similar to the facehugger parasite (designed by swiss artist H R Giger) in the Alien(s) movie series. The Bezoar dissection scene is also a clear nod to a scene in Aliens, in which the android Bishop (Lance Hendriksen) examines one of the creatures.
In Fredless, Trish Burkle says, “I mean, Rog’s always had a thing for those disgusting Alien movies, all the slime and teeth. Ugh, he just can’t get enough of them. Except for that last one they made - I think he dozed off.” This is an in-joke at the expense of Joss Whedon, who was credited as co-writing the fourth movie, Alien: Resurrection, though his script was extensively rewritten.
December 30th, 2005 at 8:42 pm
Aliens also gets a check in 7.22 - on the bus, Faith says to Wood “ease off, we’re clear”, echoing what Hicks says after dear Sigourney has finished over-revving the APC and busting its transmission.
Luckily Wood doesn’t ruin the gearbox of the ‘Slayur’* bus; thus the Scoobs are able to drive safely out of the trackless desert that evidently surrounded Sunnydale.
*Ken Kesey also had a schoolbus.