Anya’s dress

Anya wears her wedding dress from Hell’s Bells in her musical-based flashback in Selfless, implying that she brought her wedding dress long before her wedding day in season six.

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 16th June 2005
    Updated: › 17th June, 2005
    Hits: › 885  

    6 Comments about “Anya’s dress”

    1. Abby M. says:

      Maybe, but also during the spell, apparently you could change clothing (see Dawn when her and Sweet are singing/dancing). So maybe she didn’t even had the dress yet, it was the spell.

    2. anniec says:

      My impression is that Anya is only remembering this scene, and she’s jumbling some of the details. Memory plays tricks–you don’t always remember things just the way they happened. Some people have reported that their lives flashed before their eyes during a near-death experience. This scene is what flashes before her eyes. This particular memory is probably especially dear to her, since she was so happy and fulfilled then, according to her lyrics.

      Several clues seem to say that this is only a memory and we’re not just getting a replay of the original (off-camera) scene. For example, Anya’s hair is longer and blonder. And, even though it’s nighttime, a group outdoors is singing the mustard song, which actually took place in the morning. Moreover, mustard song happened outside the Magic Box, where Anya was that morning; it didn’t happen outside her apartment. (It’s possible the mustard-song group sang it all day and into the night, but nobody else seemed to repeat their songs once they’d sung them.) And in her dreamlike state, while she’s temporarily in shock from getting a sword shoved through her chest, Anya puts herself in her wedding dress by the magic of memory.

    3. anniec says:

      Oops. Reading further, I found the comments about this scene, which reveal that the mustard song was not a reprise of the one from “Once More with Feeling,” and that it did take place in the evening. But the longer, blonder hair and the sudden dress-change still seem like the kind of alterations a person can make when remembering an earlier experience.

    4. Smash says:

      Look, I think you’re going too much into the Anya aspect of it and forgetting that Buffy is, in fact, a television show. Emma’s hair had changed and they needed to give her a wig, which may have been slightly different than her real hair had been, but was close enough. Putting together an hour long mini-movie every week for seven years means the occasional inconsistancy. The mustard song was about getting the stain in the first place, and the scene from OMWF was after they got it out.
      Also, if she’s “remembering” the scene because of her near death experiance, then how do you explain the other two flashbacks? I really think the scenes were for the audiances benefit, not Anya’s, therefore either she HAD the dress that soon (not surprising, since she was so excited for the wedding at that point, and wanted to cram in “as much marital bliss as possible”) or it was magic, which , considering the spell on the ex-deamon and her witch, vampire, and superhero colleages that was causing them to burst into song, is not surprising.

    5. ghola8 says:

      The mustard song that Anya hears is the precursor to the “They Got the Mustard Out”
      Man/Woman - Oh no, mustard on my shirt
      Woman - Mustard…I’ll never get it out
      Man - My favorite dress shirt…
      Woman - Brightly knit…
      Man - How could you serve…
      Man/Woman - Mustard???

      So, I guess the next day the man takes the shirt to the dry cleaners, and they get it out! Yay!

      I agree with the wedding dress being part of the spell, that’s what I always assumed.

    6. Mizzbella says:

      Or maybe she just imagine all that with the dress.

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