Dress appropriately

Please note: This trivia was suggested by Mel. It has not been approved.

In Go Fish when Cameron and Buffy are in the nurse’s office with Snyder, Cameron tells Snyder that Buffy led him on because of the way she dresses. Coach Marin then enters and after seeing to Cameron, more or less says the same thing by telling Buffy to “dress more appropriately”. I think that this is a goof because if Marin was backing up what Cameron said, he wasn’t even in the room when he said it, he entered after. Or, it could be that people at the school think that Buffy’s dress sense is a bit too revealing.

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  • Suggested by: Mel
    Added: › 3rd April 2006
    Updated: › 7th April, 2006
    Hits: › 131  

    7 Comments about “Dress appropriately”

    1. Jess says:

      Mel - I don’t think this is a goof as Buffy is dressed unappropriately for school, and that’s the kind of thing someone like the coach would pick up on.

    2. Mel says:

      Thats fine Jess.

      I wasnt sure if would be a goof or not..just thought it was funny the way both Cameron and The Coach mentioned the way Buffy dressed.

    3. onlimain says:

      No offense, but I don’t find this funny at all. Cameron assaulted her and instead of getting in trouble, the blame was put completely on Buffy. Cameron was a star athlete on their only winning sports team, and neither the coach or Principal Snyder wanted any accusations to mar his reputation.

      Sure, her clothes are revealing, but probably no less revealing than other girls at the school. This is like saying a girl deserved to be raped if she wore sexy clothes.

    4. tadpole says:

      Uh, yeah, onlimain, I think that’s pretty obviously the point. Seeing as the swimmers and coach are all, like, evil and all, their words are meant to represent the misogynistic patriarchal archetype.

      Hence, mocking the cliche of ’she was asking for it.’

      So. . . it’s funny.

    5. onlimain says:

      Sorry, I still can’t find the ‘funny’ in this. I guess I’ll just have to agree to disagree. It’s not like I can change anyone’s perception of whether something is funny or not.

    6. becsug says:

      A lot of the show finds its fun in making bad people say very wrong things. It seems a shame to miss out on so much of the humour.

      More seriously, their views are never condoned; on the contrary, the characters in question are made to seem stupid and then they meet grisly, righteous ends. In this way the show is careful not to be offensive, even if it features behaviours that are. I hope that their aim in bringing bigotry to light and ridiculing it on mainstream TV might be to help combat these kinds of attitudes in popular culture.

      In this spirit of tolerance, let me assure that I accept your perfectly valid disagreement, onlimain!

    7. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      Well, more than ‘funny’ (it never occurred to me that it could be meant to be funny), it does a good job of serving as a strong metaphor, as tadpole and bescug suggested. The favorable treatment of an ‘elite’ is common in schools, and this serves as a nice way of representing that. That’s just one opinion, anyway.

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