April Fools

April Fools

April Fools is a dress shop in Sunnydale, owned by Mrs Finkle. It specialises in formal wear. In Choices and The Prom, Cordelia briefly worked in April Fools after her father lost all his money through tax evasion. In Family, Harmony comes home to Spike’s crypt laden with bags from the shop, saying everything was on sale.

Related Trivia:
  • Mrs. Finkle
  • Bonita Friedericy
  • April the Robot
  • April Weedon-Washington
  • Anne Betancourt
  • Britney Spears
  • [5.15-32.09] Katrina
  • Nick’s name
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 12th September 2004
    Updated: › 20th January, 2006
    Hits: › 644  

    6 Comments about “April Fools”

    1. lins11 says:

      Xander was SO sweet to buy Cordy her prom dress from April Fools (she had put it on lay away and was trying to pay for it out of her wages but didn’t have enough to cover it by the afternoon of the prom) — she looked great in it and we started to see a different side to Cordy that was explored in Angel. Was this the turning point for Cordy coz Xander was so kind to her??

    2. Abby M. says:

      I think the change was gradual but I also thought it was the perfect ‘Cordy’ way to make up his betrayal to her.

    3. lins11 says:

      He was prob trying to ease his guilt for cheating on her but I don’t think she had ever looked as happy and as thankful as she did in the prom.

    4. mairceridwen says:

      I think the change had less to do with Xander being kind (although I am certain it helped), and more with the way that losing her father’s money and having to earn a living humbled her.

    5. Abby M. says:

      Yeah, it was a combination of things that started back in season 1/early season 2 when she first started hanging with the scoobies. I think that is when we get the very first hint that Cordelia can be (when she wants to) an extremly loving and kind person. Seasons 2 and 3 and the beginning of Angel all contribute to the nice Cordy we get in the show Angel.

    6. Jet says:

      April 1st (April Fools) is my birthday. Hey! That’s today. It makes me feel special. =)

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