BBC rescheduling

The BBC almost got it right - they planned to show the episode Pangs on Thanksgiving day but a last minute football match was thought to be more important so it was rescheduled.

Suggested by: Jess
Added: › 26th April 2005
Hits: › 388  

5 Comments about “BBC rescheduling”

  1. AnyasFloppyEars says:

    Like most UK residents, I don’t know when Thanksgiving Day is - is it in the Autumn?

  2. MagicBone says:

    The third Thursday in November. Always on a different day.

  3. MissKittyFantastico says:

    I gotta say (and don’t slap me here), if Arsenal had been playing then it was possibly ALMOST more important… !!!

  4. hannah_wish01 says:

    lol well if buffy was on, maybe but asenal, erm, im not a huge football fan but as far as i know there is one good thing about arsenal and thats Thiery Hery!

  5. MissKittyFantastico says:

    Nice one Hannah - Thierry is just one of the great players we Gooners have… and yes he is rather scrummy :o)

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