Big Bad


‘Big Bad’ is Buffyspeak for a villain who is tough to beat (though not unbeatable). The Big Bads on the show were usually the main villains of each season (The Master, Spike and Angelus, The Mayor, Adam, Glory, Evil Willow and The First) but the phrase was also used for other non-standard villains, such as Caleb. The phrase was first used by Spike in Wild at Heart when he said, “‘Cause the big bad is back”.

Suggested by: Jess
Added: › 27th September 2004
Updated: › 4th February, 2006
Hits: › 681  

One Comment about “Big Bad”

  1. Esual says:

    The line “big bad” is also used in series 6’s “Flooded” when the gang are in the library and Dawn shows Buffy a picture of M’Fashnik.

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