

In Welcome to the Hellmouth, Giles says, “I’d much prefer to be home with a cup of Bovril and a good book.” Bovril is the name of a thick yeast extract, which, when mixed with hot water, make a hot drink. It was formerly a beef extract and is as yicky as it sounds.

Suggested by: Jess
Added: › 8th July 2005
Updated: › 18th February, 2006
Hits: › 674  

16 Comments about “Bovril”

  1. marvin21st says:

    It is not yicky, thats like saying vegimite is yicky.

  2. ant4buffy says:

    Vegimite is yicky.

  3. marvin21st says:

    Where are you from cause most of the people here love vegimite or somthing like it.

  4. Jess says:

    It IS yicky and I’m a marmite fan!!

  5. marvin21st says:

    Love my vegimite on toast. Have not tried marmite yet is it like promite.

  6. marvin21st says:

    Hi just looked up marmite its the same as vegimite, bovril and promite. A by-product of beer fermentation from yeast. Looks like the only difference is the amount of other ingredients like sugar, vegi extracts and other stuff. So we are all eating the same thing.

  7. Donna says:

    Dear Marvin 21st Promite and Marmite are foul caramelly things. Stick to vegemite

  8. Lilwenn says:

    I don’t know any of those things !
    Is it the kind of ignorance that comes from being Francophone and Canadian? I’m lost.
    But it does sound yicky, I agree.

  9. Jess says:

    Wow, I never thought a bit of trivia on Bovril would spark such a response!

  10. marvin21st says:

    Hi Lilwenn the only way I can discribe vegimite is if you licked a beef stock cube or extremly concentrated gravy that has beer added. Promite is the same but a bit sweeter and thinner.

  11. Lilwenn says:

    Thanks for the description, Marvin. Weird food.

  12. ant4buffy says:

    I want some Promite right now! Anyone got a website for it(?)

  13. marvin21st says:

    Just google promite and you will get lots of sites.

  14. Saintsaucey says:

    what the hell. what is this vegimite and promite stuff you speak of. im from indiana in the usa

  15. Jess says:

    The explanation is written above.

  16. marvin21st says:

    Not widely known in the USA but Australians definatly like the look on an Americans face when they try it for the first time. Its an aquired taste and if you ever get to try it dont be fooled by the person giving it to you spread it very lightly. This is the best site I have found for some one who has no idea about Vegimite the other products are basicly the same, some you can make into a drink as well as just a spread. then go to How much is inside adventures and then to vegimite. There is a link for marmite at the end of vegimite.

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