Buffy a Porn Star?

Please note: This trivia was suggested by boysplease. It has not been approved.

To expound on trivia mentioned in SMG’s trivia space:

In Richard Kelly’s movie “Southland Tales” (which apparently just wrapped up filming) our beloved Sarah Michelle Gellar will play the persona of an Adult Film Star…

To quote from contactmusic.com

“Hollywood beauty SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR is shunning her wholesome image to play a porn star in RICHARD KELLY’s new movie SOUTHLAND TALES.

The BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER actress will star alongside wrestler-turned actor DWAYNE ‘THE ROCK’ JOHNSON in the film, which is set in Los Angeles in 2008.

The storyline weaves together the lives of an action star stricken with amnesia, an adult film star developing her own reality television show and a policeman who holds the key to a vast conspiracy - all taking place during a three-day heat-wave and culminating in a huge Fourth of July celebration.

Kelly - acclaimed director of cult film DONNIE DARKO - is also writing a prequel to the movie, which will be published as six separate 100-page graphic novels in the run-up to the film’s release next year (06).”

i believe this is the answer to many a boy’s prayers.

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  • Suggested by: boysplease
    Added: › 15th December 2005
    Updated: › 3rd February, 2006
    Hits: › 625  

    23 Comments about “Buffy a Porn Star?”

    1. slightlyembarrased says:

      …indeed, my prayers have been asnwered….

    2. somethingblue says:

      Can’t see how she’ll pull that one off. When she was in a scene with Faith, Faith overtook the scene with her bad girl self and sexuality. Not sure if it was just because of Buffy’s character or because of Sarah’s.

    3. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      She is a great actress, so she probably can. Oh, and by the way, the character of Faith was given much sexuality that Buffy was not by the writers, so that played at least some part in this, I think.

    4. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      She did well in Cruel Intentions, but who could not be wary about the Rock?

    5. somethingblue says:

      I think I’ll have to watch “Cruel Intentions”, I have yet to see it. Last weekend I saw parts of “Simply Irrestible”, a romantic comedy she did in 1999. Maybe it was the writing or directing, but her character did not have very much depth. It was kind of cardboard.

    6. beagle says:

      Cruel Intentions, Selma Blair… mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    7. slightlyembarrased says:

      “Cruel Intentions, Selma Blair… mmmmmmmmmmmmm.”

      You’re preachin’ the choir here, beags…The screen cap of the kiss between Ms. Blair and Ms. Gellar — with its glorious “saliva bridge” — is my screensaver on my computer. Yikes…

      One day, I saw Selma Blair walking through Grand Central…I followed her for three blocks. If I had followed her a fourth, it probably would have resulted in a restraining order.

      Though, restraining orders are just another way of saying “I love you”, c’est ne pas?

    8. Abby M. says:

      Seriously guys, I would go to download BtVS stuff on my ‘legal’ download site and I would search SMG and get a lot of adult stuff. I don’t really think it is her. On the other hand…

    9. slightlyembarrased says:

      Hussy, the Vampire Player….

    10. Satanna says:

      When she did the evil suductress pretty well in Cruel Intentions so its definantly worth a watch

    11. beagle says:

      And let’s not forget her toruring poor xander in When She Was Bad.

    12. somethingblue says:

      True, True, Beagle! Still one of my favorite Buffy scenes just cause I want to be cool like her! (I even have the Cibo Mato songs downloaded from itunes and my kids are always saying “I want to hear Sugar Water!”)

    13. Angel242 says:

      Ohh.. Nooo.
      I hated that scen.
      “I want to be cool like her”
      God I don’t think she was cool at all, she was just an other desperat girl trying to make her “boyfriend-vampire” jealus. Jealusy is not cool to me people! ;)

    14. slightlyembarrased says:

      “And let’s not forget her toruring poor xander in When She Was Bad.”

      No…let us NEVER forget that…I know I shalln’t.

    15. slightlyembarrased says:

      “I even have the Cibo Mato songs downloaded from itunes and my kids are always saying “I want to hear Sugar Water!””

      …actually, s’blue, the kids are saying “We want to DRINK Sugar Water…” Kids. They love the sugar water…

    16. beagle says:

      Now That, is funny Slightlyxander…. Now I’m awonderin, did Xander say that at some point?

    17. slightlyembarrased says:

      Nope…my material.

    18. somethingblue says:

      Spoon is the other Cibo Mato song, so I guess they really want to drink Sugar Water with a Spoon! And I certainly didn’t mean to offend Angel242, and I know Buffy was being mean and taking her issues out on people, but it was also cool that she was acting as a bad ass for once and was flaunting her sexiness, hence the reason for my wanting to be like her. Plus, I know I just never looked like that in High School, or really EVER, so, yes, I have envy! Envy of the look and making the men around her suffer a little bit(Yay! for the rubbing their noses in it!)

    19. slightlyembarrased says:

      “Envy of the look and making the men around her suffer a little bit….”

      Oh, c’mon, s’blue…I’m sure you’ve made a man or two in your time suffer.

    20. somethingblue says:

      I’m sure my husband would agree daily, but I just can never get enough!

    21. Smash says:

      Honestly I’ve never thought Sarah was phenominal. She was good at being buffy, but any time she tried to be anything else she just fell apart. I am however unwholsomely excited for the Rock as a porn star. I actually think he has a lot of potential as an actor. If you think about it, he’s a lot better than Sylvestre Stalone was when he started out, and look how far he’s come. The Rock’s pretty charismatic if you as me. Little known fact: “Dwayne” Johnson played football in the Canadian Football Leauge for the Calgary Stampeders (my city’s team) in his younger days. He was the back up’s back up’s back up’s back up….if the hot dog guy was sick, he filled in. That’s not Buffy trivia exactly….but it is trivia…that somewhat relates.

    22. somethingblue says:

      was it the “hot dog on a stick” guy getting sick at the football game, cause that would be a really cool buffy link with the rock;)

    23. Comfortador says:

      Shouldn’t the movie be called Southland Tails?

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