
In Wrecked, Anya says the traditional dress for demon bridesmaids is “burlap with blood larva”. In Hell’s Bells, Willow wonders whether burlap and blood larva might be better than their actual green bridesmaid’s dresses.

Suggested by: Jess
Added: › 16th May 2005
Updated: › 15th June, 2005
Hits: › 529  

7 Comments about “Burlap”

  1. loserinamailbox says:

    to answer willow’s question….. it definately looked like it.

  2. Longlostscooby says:

    You know I can see the humor in the traditional (at least human tradition anyway)ugly bridesmaids dresses. But Anya has great style, so I always wondered why she chose such ugly dresses.

  3. mairceridwen says:

    It’s amazing how people who have great day-to-day style lose it when it comes to formal wear. Still, there are so many simple and elegant looking bridesmaid dresses that there is no reason for anyone to have ugly bridesmaid dresses these days…and I can say, as I’m in the middle of this now, though I’ll probably just let my girls pick out their own.

    In any case, I think the powers that be wanted the humor more than the style. The thing I don’t understand is where they thought it would be funny having an ugly bridal gown. (It’s a personal thing, I just HATE that mermaid cut)

  4. onlimain says:

    I’ve always thought that it was *because* it was a human tradition, that Anya did it. She normally says or does things just because it is the expected ‘human’ thing to do. She probably heard it was tradition to give her bridesmaids ugly dresses, so she did.

  5. Smash says:

    Congratulations Mairceridwen! I have to agree that that was one horrible bridal gown. Some people seemed to really liked it, but I thought it was just tacky. Of course, Emma looks beautiful in pretty much anything.

    I don’t think she thought they were ugly at all, because she comes into the room and says they look so beautifull, and looks so sincere.

  6. mairceridwen says:


    yes, emma could pull it off more so than most

    “She probably heard it was tradition to give her bridesmaids ugly dresses, so she did”

    Except that she gushed about how beautiful they looked. I think the human-tradition she was going for was the desire for the “prettiest” dresses and its funny because of how ugly they are.

  7. mairceridwen says:

    sorry to be all repeato there smash. i hate doing that.

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