Demon index

Please note: This trivia was suggested by Mullsen. It has not been approved.

In I Robot, You Jane Jenny is looking through Moloch’s book only to find that the demon is gone. Only it isn’t quite empty. The first page can be seen briefly and has writing on it. The print looks old-fashioned, and there seems to be page numbers by each line. It must be an index, but an index for what?

This can be seen at 19.26

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  • Eyghon
  • Suggested by: Mullsen
    Added: › 10th August 2005
    Updated: › 4th September, 2005
    Hits: › 340  

    One Comment about “Demon index”

    1. Jess says:

      The writing was probably there in the book itself. The monks didn’t necessarily use a completely empty book to trap Moloch.

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