Dodd McAlvey

Dodd was the student who bullied Jonathan at a party (he dunked the nerd’s head in a bucket of water) at the beach and was stopped by Buffy. He was the best swimmer on the swim team, and the first to turn into a sea beast, after the Coach gave the team special steroids. Dodd’s ‘body’ was identified by the distinctive tattoo on the arm of the skin left behind when the monster erupted from him in Go Fish.

Appeared in: Go Fish
Suggested by: Jess
Added: › 11th September 2004
Updated: › 1st April, 2006
Hits: › 373  

5 Comments about “Dodd McAlvey”

  1. arkaná says:

    I always watch the eps with subtitles since I’m not a native English speaker, and Todd’s name was actually spelled Dodd. It sounded like they were saying Dodd too. Weird name, though!

  2. emlem25 says:

    youre right arkana. the subtitles say Dodd and they say Dodd repeatedly throughout the ep. the problem is that when the actors say the name, they say it so fast, they make the ‘d’ sound softer than it is. like here in toronto. out-of-towners call it
    toron-TO (stressing the last t). but here we just say it so comfortably and so often that it sounds like to toron-o.
    and it is a funny name, but then again buffy? xander? willow? cordelia?

  3. Dodd says:

    His name is Dodd. Trust me on this. :-) See, eg., .

    The only other example of a character I know of with my given name [which is not weird, tnank you :-) ] is the tall blond in Memento (”Who the f*** is Dodd?!?”). He also meets a bad end. I think it’s a conspiracy.

  4. Dodd says:

    Oops, no HTML. That should read See eg., IMDB for Jake Patellis

  5. Jess says:

    I’ve finally changed the name from ‘Todd’ to ‘Dodd’.

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