Electric tasers

Drusilla uses an electrical taser to stun Buffy in Crush. Dawn also uses one of these on Xander in End of Days. Tasers have also been used in Angel, in the episodes ‘Tomorrow’ and ‘Deep Down‘. A taser is also known as an electroshock gun or stun gun. They send an electric current through a person to incapacitate them, but are supposed to be non-lethal.

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 25th May 2005
    Updated: › 28th May, 2005
    Hits: › 462  

    8 Comments about “Electric tasers”

    1. ant4buffy says:

      They are also used in Season 4s The Freshman and all the way through by the initiative.

    2. MagicBone says:

      Is it weird that Dru used a taser on Buffy after her whole speech about how much she hated science, instead of just hitting her with something heavy, like a rock or something?

    3. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I guess that hitting the slayer with a rock might not do the job, and it has got to be better to be on the safe side in a matter like this.

    4. Angel242 says:

      teasers or something quite like it was also used in angel “the ring”

    5. MagicBone says:

      I never got where Dawn got the taser in End of Days. I get she’s the Slayer’s sister but why would she have a taser and why would it be in her pocket when she went out looking for her crossbow in Xander’s car?

    6. snowflake5684 says:

      I’ve always wondered that, too…

    7. Wynter says:

      My theory is that Xander keeps some weapons in his car. It would explain why Dawn was looking for her crossbow there, and how she found a taser.

    8. snowflake5684 says:

      It’d be fun explaining that to the police if he got pulled over!

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