The bomb explodes, leaving many potential Slayers dead and Faith unconscious. Buffy finds them and helps get the injured back to the house. She rejoins her friends. Buffy realises the scythe has some kind of Slayer power and finds out more from an ancient woman, who is killed by Caleb. Buffy fights Caleb and Angel arrives to help. Buffy slices Caleb and leaves him for dead, before passionately kissing Angel. Spike watches them jealously whilst the First tries to get him on it’s side.
Woman: "Sorry, what was your name?"
Buffy: "Buffy."
Old Woman: "No, really?"
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Blank of the Blankthuselah
The following line was deleted from the scene in End of Days where Willow and Giles try to find out what the scythe is:
Willow: “It doesn’t have any markings. Would it be so hard to include a little sticker? ‘Hello. My name is Blank of the Blankthuselah, consult operating instructions before wielding.”

Bombs away
Faith spends a lot of the episode End of Days off-screen in bed recuperating after being knocked unconscious by the bomb explosion. This is because Eliza Dushu was filming the pilot for her show Tru Calling during the shooting of the episode.
David’s return
David Boreanaz returns to Sunnydale in End of Days for the first time since season five’s Forever. The season finale of Angel aired the week previously, which left David free to return to Sunnydale.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Christine Healy
Christine Healy played the Guardian of the Slayers in the episode End of Days. She has also been in Murder by Numbers, Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story, ER, Little Sister, Knight Rider 2000, Weekend War, Charmed and Like Father Like Son.

Nathan Fillion
Nathan played the preacher Caleb in season seven and Captain Mal Reynolds in Firefly, a short-running TV show created by Joss Whedon. Nathan also played Mal in the 2005 Firefly movie Serenity. He originally auditioned for the part of Angel many years ago. He and Anthony Stewart Head have acted together before: Nathan starred in Two Guys and a Girl, in which Anthony guest-starred in an episode called ‘Two Guys a Girl And a Mother’s Day’ in 1999. Nathan played Father David in Wes Craven’s Dracula 2000. He has also been in Saving Private Ryan and Miss Match (along with Charisma Carpenter).
Character Trivia
Andrew’s favourite gag
In three different episodes in a span of eight, Andrew is given the same joke. Someone tells him to show him something, and he rattles off several different, unrelated items:
In First Date, he tells The First what was in Buffy’s underwear drawer, instead of showing it the gun). In Storyteller, he tells The First what weapons someone was selling, instead of showing it the knife and in End of Days, he tells Anya what his rash looked like, instead of showing her the medical supplies.
Interestingly, all three were written or co-written by Jane Espenson, so she must be quite a fan of this joke.

Best night
In Fool For Love, Spike says the night he killed his first Slayer was the best night of his life. In End of Days he tells Buffy that the night they spent together was the best in his life - a bit of a change from killing a Slayer!
Buffy confuses herself
A continuing joke for Buffy throughout the show is her misunderstanding of common phrases or sayings. In Gingerbread, she and Angel have the following conversation:
Buffy: “Like that kid in the story, the boy that stuck his finger in the duck.”
Angel: “Dike… It’s another word for dam.”
Buffy: “Oh. Okay, that story makes a lot more sense now.”
In What’s My Line, Part One, Buffy says, “They had tools, flashlights, whole nine yards. What does that mean, anyway? ‘Whole nine yards’? Nine yards of what? Now it’s gonna bug me all day.”
In No Place Like Home, she says to Giles, “Yeah. You’ll be making money hand over fist” before holding her hand over her fist in a puzzled way, “…Which I guess is a good thing.”
In End of Days, Buffy says to Xander, “Of course I’m not putting you out to pasture. …What does that even mean?”
Electric tasers
Drusilla uses an electrical taser to stun Buffy in Crush. Dawn also uses one of these on Xander in End of Days. Tasers have also been used in Angel, in the episodes ‘Tomorrow’ and ‘Deep Down‘. A taser is also known as an electroshock gun or stun gun. They send an electric current through a person to incapacitate them, but are supposed to be non-lethal.
I’ll bring you back
Xander says to Buffy in End of Days, “If you die, I’ll bring you back. It’s what I do.” He’s referring to Buffy’s previous two deaths: when he revived her in Prophecy Girl, and when he helped with the spell to bring her back to life in Bargaining (Part 1).

Joyce or the First?
When Dawn’s mother appears to her in Conversations with Dead People, the circumstances are different to when the First appears to others. She is surrounded by light and Dawn had to fight to make her mother heard as some force seemed to be stopping her. This led fans to believe that it was really Joyce visiting her daughter. Buffy writer Jane Espenson later revealed that Joyce was supposed to be the First, but it wasn’t completely clear.
In End of Days, Buffy asks Xander to take Dawn away from Sunnydale. This could be what Joyce meant (if it was Joyce) when she said, “When it is very bad, Buffy will not choose you” in Conversations with Dead People: Buffy didn’t choose Dawn to help her.

Miss Kitty Fantastico
Miss Kitty Fantastico was a black and white kitten belonging to Tara and Willow. The girls discussed getting a cat in New Moon Rising. She appeared in The Yoko Factor, Restless and Family then disappeared for three seasons. Her absence was finally explained in End of Days, when Dawn implied that Miss Kitty had died, “Xander, my crossbow is not out here. I told you, I don’t leave crossbows around all willy-nilly… Not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico.”
Out of it
In End of Days, Faith is found unconscious face-down in a pool of water just as Buffy was in Prophecy Girl. Faith was previously unconscious/in a coma after Buffy stabbed her in season three.
Show you the world
In her letter to Dawn in End of Days, Buffy says, “I promised once to show you this beautiful world and I’m going to do everything I can to make that happen.” She made this promise in Grave.
Tito’s Chips
Tito’s Chips is a brand of potato chips created by the writers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a kind of anti-product placement. They were first seen in Fool For Love when Willow, Anya and Xander were eating them whilst patrolling with Riley. They made a comeback in the episode End of Days, when Faith was seen eating a packet.

Took off
In End of Days, Anya says to Andrew that she fled an apocalypse before (”Well, there was this other apocalypse this one time and… well, I took off”). She’s referring to Graduation Day (Part 1), when she left Sunnydale and tried to take Xander with her, to escape the Mayor’s Ascension.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

In End of Days, Buffy tries to find out more about the shiny weapon she found in Touched. She discovers a tomb in Sunnydale where she runs into an old woman, who tells her she is the last guardian of Slayers and has been waiting and watching over the Slayer line since Slayers began. The guardian tells Buffy how the scythe she found was created to destroy the last pure demon, but it was made in secret and hidden from the Shadowmen.
It’s all a bit confusing as to whether the tomb and woman have always been in Sunnydale, and how exactly the guardians have been helping and protecting the Slayer (they certainly could have helped Buffy during the “Spuffy” debacle in season six, maybe with a cup of tea and chat about inappropriate sex) but I digress. As Buffy says, “I don’t understand. How is it possible that we didn’t know any of this?” I’ll leave it at that.
Carrot Top
In End of Days, Spike says, “Have you gone completely Carrot Top?” Carrot Top is an American comedian whose real name is Scott Thompson.
End Of Days
The title of the episode End of Days is also the title of a 1999 movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Eliza Dushku once played the daughter of a character played by Arnie in True Lies (1994).

Holy Grail
The Holy Grail is supposedly the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper. It is considered to be extremely powerful and many quests took place to try and find it. The Grail is alluded to twice in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In The Harsh Light of Day, Giles said the Gem of Amarrah is the “vampire equivalent of the Holy Grail.” In End of Days, Spike called the Slayer scythe the “Holy Grail or the holy hand grenade or whatever the hell that is.” The “holy hand grenade” is what the knights throw at the killer rabbit in the movie Monty Python’s Holy Grail.
Jaffa Cakes
We find out in End of Days that Giles has a thing for Jaffa Cakes. They’re made by Jacobs and consist a spongey base, covered in chocolate and filled with a kind of orange jelly.

Steven Spielberg’s 1975 shark movie Jaws is alluded to a few times in Buffy.
In Go Fish, Xander says, “This was no boating accident” - which is a line from the first Jaws movie.
In Graduation Day (Part 1), Xander and Giles open a page of a book to see a giant monster they may have to face. Xander says, “We’re going to need a bigger boat”, which was the phrase used by Brody (Roy Scheider) in the movie when he first sees the size of the great white shark he’s hunting.
In the episode Anne, Oz suggests that Willow uses the phrase “This time it’s personal” as it’s a “classic”. He’s quoting from the fourth Jaws movie.
Anya makes an explicit reference to the movie in End of Days when she suggests killing demons with gas cylinders, “They’d only be useful if something big was attacking, and then we could shove one down their throat and blow ‘em up like Roy Scheider did with that shark in Jaws.”
In Empty Places, Xander mentions the abysmal third movie in the Jaws series, made in 1983. After he loses his eye, Xander says, “Oh, you know what the best part is? No one will ever make me watch Jaws 3-D again.”
In Soul Purpose, whilst dissecting Angel in his dream, Fred holds up a Mexican license plate saying, “Hmm. Came up the gulf stream, huh?” This is a reference to the first Jaws movie,in which Hooper opens the dead shark and says, “Ah. Just like I thought. He came up with the Gulf Stream - from southern waters” before holding up a licence plate from Louisiana.
King Arthur
Buffy’s pulling of the scythe from the stone in End of Days is clearly influenced by the story of King Arthur’s sword. Buffy even says, “…until I King Arthured it out of there.”

Monty Python
British comedy team Monty Python have been referenced a few times in Buffy: In Life Serial, Andrew and Warren mimic Monty Python’s parrot sketch when watching Buffy’s adventures with the Mummy hand (Warren: “This mummy hand has ceased to be!” Andrew: “It is an ex-mummy hand!”).
In the episode Primeval, when Spike and Adam realize that Spike failed to do what Adam wanted, Spike says “Let’s not quarrel about who failed who.” This could be a nod to Monty Python and the Holy Grail in which Sir Lancelot slaughters many people at a party and the King says “Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.”
In Him, Dawn says, “Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition” and in Touched, Spike says, “The dreaded torture device, the comfy chair.” These are references to The Spanish Inquisition sketch from Monty Python’s Flying Circus. The inquisitors try to torture people by making them sit in the comfy chair.
In End of Days, Spike says, “the holy hand grenade or whatever the hell that is”. The “holy hand grenade” is what the knights throw at the killer rabbit in Monty Python’s Holy Grail.
In Shells, Spike says he was, “flash fried in a pillar of fire, saving the world… I got better.” This is a reference to a line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail in which one of the witch-accusing peasants shouts, “She turned me into a newt!… I got better.”
Additionally, Alan Tudyk (who played Wash in Firefly and Serenity) took over the role of Lancelot from Hank Azaria in the Monty Python musical, Spamalot, between June to November 2005.
Seen at 09.22 minutes:
Buffy calls the Slayer weapon a scythe, but it’s nothing like a scythe, which has a long, curved blade and is used to cut crops or harvest the bodies of dead people if you’re, you know, Death.
Seen at 14.06 minutes:
In End of Days, Willow is on the internet looking up the weapon found by Buffy. Even with wireless internet, she would still need electricity to run her laptop and the power company left town a while ago. Her battery would probably have also died by now.
Seen at 36.50 minutes:
How does Dawn drive the car so easily from the passenger seat? And how does she drive it anyway? There’s been no indication that she’s able to drive.
Seen at 38.21 minutes:
When Buffy fights Caleb, she gets thrown onto a large cement block. When she gets up you can see the block wobble. It’s clearly not cement.
Faith: "Thank god we're hot chicks with superpowers."
Faith: "Here's the laugh riot. My whole life I've been a loner."
Buffy: "Is that the funny part?"
Woman: "Sorry, what was your name?"
Buffy: "Buffy."
Old Woman: "No, really?"
Andrew: "You love humans!"