Angel’s past deeds come back to haunt him as he dreams about killing again, but when the dreams become identical to a number of murders in the area Angel fears that he is killing in his sleep.
Airdate: | 18 January 2000 |
Writer: | Tim Minear |
Director: | Winrich Kolbe |
Cordy: "I don't care how many files you have on all the horrible things he did back in the powdered wig days. He is good now. And he's my friend. And nothing you or anyone else can say will make me turn on a friend!"
Angel: "Cordelia. He's right."
Cordy to Wesley: "You stake him and I'll cut his head off."
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Words to that effect
When Cordelia tries to persuade Angel to take a license plate to Kate in Somnabulist, the following line cut due to length:
“Just remind her that if it wasn’t for you she’d be the curdled gooey leftovers of a proto-Babylonian Burrower demon. Or words to that effect. You’ll pretty it up”.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Jeremey Renner
Jeremy Renner, who played the vampire Penn in Somnamulist, has also been in A Little Trip to Heaven, North Country, Lords of Dogtown, S.W.A.T., Monkey Love, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Fish in a Barrel, Time of Your Life, The Net and Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane.
Character Trivia

Penn was a former puritan sired by Angelus. Angelus taught him everything he knew about killing - including killing his own family. Penn began to recreate his murders, making Angel believe they were his doing. He was dusted by Kate Lockley, after a huge fight with his sire.
What’s in Romania?
In Somnabulist, the following conversation occurs:
Angel: “Got held up in Romania.”
Penn: “Romania. What’s in Romania?”
Angel: “Gypsies.”
This is a reference to the Buffy episode Becoming (Part 1), in which we see gypsies give Angel his soul back.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Blood links
We discover in Somnabulist that vampires who are linked by blood (such as a sire) can sense each other’s presence and can be physically linked in dreams. This occured when Angel began to dream about the murders commited by the vampire he sired, Penn.

When discussing Penn’s murders, Cordelia and Wesley have the following exchange in Somnambulist:
Cordelia: “No lie. Gallagher’s changed his act more times than this dude has in the last two centuries. Why do you figure he’s still doing the same old schtick?”
Wesley: “Well, I mean it’s a classic, isn’t it? Every time he smashes that watermelon with a sledgehammer, I just….”
This is a reference to the comedian who uses a sledgehammer called the sledge-o-matic to smash food at his audience… his favourite being a watermelon.
Cordy: [to Angel] "Wow you look half dead, which for someone who is completely dead would be kinda neat."
Angel: "Its gotta end."
Penn: "Why, because you say so? How does that work exactly? Do you just wake up one morning and decide, 'ok now I m good?' No Angelus, it doesn't end, it never ever ends. It just goes on and on."
Cordelia: "That s not the only thing that goes on and on."
Penn: "You approved of me in ways my mortal father never did. You are my real father Angelus."
Angel: "Fine! You're grounded."
Angel: "If the day ever comes that I --"
Cordelia: "Oh I'll kill you dead."
Angel: "Thanks."
Cordelia: "What are friends for?"
Wesley: "Where'd you get the police radio?"
Angel: "Police car."
Wesley: "You can't walk into a police precinct with intimate knowledge about these murders and claim a 200 year-old Puritan is responsible. You'd be locked up faster than Lady Hamilton's virtue! (to Cordelia) My apologies..."
Cordelia: "That's okay. I don't know what that meant."
Cordelia: "The glamorous L.A. life. I get to make the coffee and chain the boss to a bed."
Kate: "Angel, are you okay? Not that the brooding "man of mystery" thing isn't working for you. I mean it is, a lot."
Cordy: "I don't care how many files you have on all the horrible things he did back in the powdered wig days. He is good now. And he's my friend. And nothing you or anyone else can say will make me turn on a friend!"
Angel: "Cordelia. He's right."
Cordy to Wesley: "You stake him and I'll cut his head off."