Angel rescues a popular young actress from a stalker, but when he finds himself taken with her and confesses his true identity, she goes to drastic measures to secure eternal youth and beauty.
Airdate: | 4 April 2000 |
Writer: | Tracey Stern |
Director: | Regis B. Kimble |
Rebecca: "You're just trying to scare me."
Angelus: "Is it working?"
Behind the Scenes Trivia
The following lines discussing Cordelia’s role in A Doll’s House were cut for length from Eternity:
Wesley: “I’ve always regarded Nora as one of the seminal characters of late-nineteenth, early-twentieth century literature”
Cordy: “Yeah, but I thought I managed to breathe a little life into her, anyway. You have to train for a tour de force like this, lots of water, lots of power walking”.
Wesley: “Yes, I, uh, don’t recall seeing Ibsen’s Nora portrayed as a power-walker before”.
Cordy: “I brought that to the part, the director was, like, clueless”.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Tamara Gorski
Tamara Gorski played Rebecca Lowell in Eternity. She has also appeared in Man with the Screaming Brain, The In-Laws, Earth: Final Conflict, Poltergeist: The Legacy, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, To Die For, Highlander, The Kids in the Hall, The Lost World, Return to the Lost World, Dracula: The Series and Friday the 13th.
Character Trivia

Rebecca Lowell
Rebecca Lowell was a Hollywood star, known to everyone as Raven from the TV show On Your Own. After her show was cancelled, Rebecca began to find it difficult to get work, due to her age and the fact that the series was in syndication - meaning no one would forget her as Raven. She realised that she was being stalked by someone and enlisted Angel to help her, attracted to the fact that he didn’t know who she was. When Rebecca discovered Angel was a vampire, all she could see was eternal youth and beauty, and decided to make Angel sire her. After spiking Angel’s drink in Eternity, Rebecca ended up on the receiving end of Angelus’s evil, realising too late just how cruel vampires were. Rebecca was saved by Wesley and Cordelia, and never heard from again.
Been to hell
In Eternity, Angel says about Cordy’s play, “I’ve been to Hell but that was so much worse”. He’s referring to Becoming (Part 2), in which Buffy sent him to hell to save the world.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
A Doll’s House
In the Angel episode, Eternity, we see Cordelia acting her way (badly) through Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House. The play is a critical look at Victorian marriages, concentrating on the decline of the marriage of Nora to Torvald. Cordelia plays Nora.
Seen at 11.50 minutes:
In Eternity, how can Angel jump through the window into Rebecca’s apartment to save her from the intruder? He was never invited in.
Angel: "And I thought I knew eternity."
Cordelia: "He's culturally retarded that way."
Cordelia: "He can fight off donkey demons who rip people's GUTS out, but he can't help one defenseless actress from a psycho? What is your thing?!"
Angel: "Cordelia. You're here... And with a cross."
Cordelia: "Well, judging by the outfit, I guess it's safe to come in. Evil Angel would've never worn those pants."
Rebecca: "A toast. To the end of an ending, and the beginning of a beginning."
Wesley: "Angel's moment of true happiness occurred because he was with Buffy. Do you realize how rare that is? True happiness? And what are the odds he'd find it with an actress?"
Cordelia: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Angel: "No, you weren't afraid. You looked into that mirror and all you saw was yourself. But that's all you've ever seen, Rebecca, and that's what really frightens you. This isn't about the way the studio or the network or your fans see you. It's about how you see yourself. Your own reflection has been corrupted into something unrecognizable. You think you want it to stay the same? What you really want is to make it disappear."
Rebecca: "You're just trying to scare me."
Angelus: "Is it working?"
Cordelia: "Bliss? As in bliss, sheer contentment?! Perfect happiness?!"
Angelus: "Boy, you could stand to lose a few pounds! Hey, I'll help you with that."
Angelus: "Well, good news, Wes, old boy!... You don't really have an inferiority complex. You're just simply inferior."