Angel unknowingly crosses paths with Wolfram & Hart when he comes to the aid of a young woman, Bethany, who possesses telekinetic powers far beyond her control - a situation Angel has had to contend with in his own life. Meanwhile, Angel is somewhat off his game due to the fact that he has been sleeping strangely, but has no idea his fitful nights are the result of nocturnal visits by Darla.
Airdate: | 17 October 2000 |
Writer: | Mere Smith |
Director: | Joss Whedon |
Cordelia: You can't fire me; I'm Vision Girl.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Under the covers
The script for Untouched, in the scene when Bethany comes into Angel’s room while he’s dreaming about Darla says: ‘She slips her hand under the covers and runs it up his thigh”. In the aired version, her hand remains outside the covers.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Daisy McCrackin
Daisy McCrackin, who played Bethany In Untouched, has also appeared in The Unseen, Love & Suicide, Cold Case, Peak Experience, Halloween: Resurrection, Special Unit 2, The Huntress, 3000 Miles to Graceland and A Crack in the Floor.
Character Trivia

Bethany Chaulk
Bethany Chaulk was a young telekinetic girl who was recruited by Wolfram & Hart as a potential assassin. She met Angel after Cordelia had a vision of her injuring two potential rapists. After Cordelia mentioned a strange sexual vibe coming from Bethany, Wesley realised that her father had abused her, and Angel began to help her to control her power. After a showdown with her father, a stronger Bethany turned her back on Lilah Morgan and began to live her own life.

Benefits of a Sunnydale education
In the Angel season two episode ‘Untouched‘, Bethany, the telekenetic girl stabs Angel through the torso with a bar. When he gets back to the hotel the following lines are said.
Angel: “You know how hard it is to think straight with a re-bar through your torso?”
Cordelia: “Actually, I do. Benefits of a Sunnydale education.”
This is a reference to the Buffy episode Lover’s Walk, when Cordelia fell and was impaled on a metal bar after finding Xander and Willow kissing.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Bethany Chaulk in Untouched had telekinetic (also known as Psychokinesis) powers - the ability to influence the behaviour of matter by mental intention, or put more simply, the ability to move objects with her mind. Telekinesis was made famous by Stephen King’s novel Carrie, and the 1976 movie portrayal of the horror novel of the same name, starring Sissy Spacek.
Angel says to the bystanders in Untouched, “Hey, you wanna get back behind the tape? You gotta gawk, go home and watch a high-speed chase on Fox”. He’s referring to Cops, a reality show shown on the Fox network.
Seen at 38.54 minutes:
When Bethany’s father is talking to her at the end of Untouched, you can see Angel standing leaning against the wall behind him, but we don’t see Angel stand up and get forced against the wall by Bethany until later (39:34).
Angel: Hey, how about we pretend that you work for me?
Cordelia: You can't fire me; I'm Vision Girl.
Angel: Okay, maybe she can hurt me a little.
Cordelia: I can't get this bandage to… stop moving.
Angel: I'm not moving.
Cordelia: Then stop breathing.
Angel: I don't breathe.
Cordelia: Then stop flexing your manly boob muscle.
Angel: Do you know how hard it is to think straight with a rebar through your torso?
Cordelia: Actually, I do. Benefits of a Sunnydale education.
Cordelia: Just a girl that could kill your ass by blinking.
Angel: I'm going to bed, it's been a long day.
Cordelia: You've been up for three hours.
Cordelia: You shouldn't worry. Angel does this kind of thing all the time.
Bethany: Makes tea?
Cordelia: Helps people. You know, helps people with problems.
Bethany: So what's wrong with you?
Cordelia: There's something. She's got a vibe, I'm getting a vibe. She's vibey.
Wesley: I'm sorry, but there are people out there who need us. People with much more serious problems than impulse-control issues.
Cordelia: She wouldn't be crying, you wouldn't be bruised and Angel wouldn't have had a near melba toast experience.
Cordelia: You can't fire Wesley. I'll quit, too. Unless you’re firm.
Angel: In the time I've lived, I've seen some horror, scary behavior and some fashion trends I pray to forget.
Bethany: Looked like a pretty happy dream; or maybe the covers were just rumpled.
Angel: You wouldn't like me when I'm happy.
Angel: I guess someone's off the critical list.
Cordelia: Don't bone my boss.