Angel is desperate to rescue Darla from the clutches of Wolfram & Hart. Flashbacks reveal what a dangerous and powerful relationship they shared, as history weirdly seems to be repeating itself. The trip down memory lane begins with Darla being sired by the Master and ends with the gang of Spike, Drusilla, Darla and Angel being torn apart when Angel is cursed with a soul.
Airdate: | 14 November 2000 |
Writer: | Tim Minear |
Director: | Tim Minear |
Master: We stalk the surface to feed and grow our ranks. We do not live amongst the human pestilence.
Angelus: I'll be honest. You really couldn't with that face, now could you.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Just the one hand
When Wesley finds Angel drawing multiple sketches of Darla in the episode Darla, in the original script he spotted a nude drawing and this exchange ensued:
Angel: “I’ve been …thinking. That’s all.”
Wesley: “Thinking?”
Angel: “Yes. It helps me sometimes to think with my hands.”
Wesley: “And occasionally….just the one hand.”
Cast and Crew Trivia

Mark Metcalf
Mark Metcalf, who played the Master, was born in Findlay, Ohio, in 1946. He has had numerous roles in TV and film, most notably in National Lampoon’s Animal House as Niedermayer and as The Maestro in Seinfeld. Mark has also been in Teen Angel, Ally McBeal, Star Trek: Voyager, Melrose Place, Party of Five and Hill Street Blues. He played the father in Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” video.
Character Trivia

The Master was an ancient vampire, who celebrated the Old Ones, a race of demons who walked the earth before humanity. These Old Ones were under the Hellmouth and it was the Master’s wish to free them and let them roam the Earth again. The Master sired Darla in the Virginia colony in 1609 and she joined his Order of Aurelius before leaving with Angel. The Master tried to open the Hellmouth in 1937, but a huge earthquake rocked the area, trapping most of the town, and the Master himself. He tried to get free several times and it wasn’t until Giles found a prophecy saying that Buffy would face the Master and die that he managed to free himself. Buffy confronted the Master, who drank her blood and threw her in a pool of water, killing her. The power the Master got from Buffy’s blood freed him and some tentacled monsters, and he headed into fresh air to cause some trouble. Luckily Buffy was given CPR by Xander and she managed to kill the Master by throwing him on some broken wood, staking him.
Darla’s siring
We find out in the episode Darla that it was The Master who sired Darla, in the Virginia colony in 1609. Darla lay dying at the time and was not afraid of the Master.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Darla: You can be with someone 150 years, think you know him. Still doesn't work out.
Darla: And so was I. Now do you know what we've become?
Lindsey: Enemies.
Darla: Oh no, much worse! Now we're soul mates.
Darla: Someone close the shutters, it seems wrong that I should die while the sun is still so bright.
Master: I'm your savior, God never did anything for you. But I will.
Cordelia: And this would be the same woman that you didn't notice was in your bedroom every night for like three weeks straight.
Cordelia: Let's face it, unless there is a website called "www.ohbythewaywehavedarlastashedhere.com" we're pretty much out of luck.
Master: We stalk the surface to feed and grow our ranks. We do not live amongst the human pestilence.
Angelus: I'll be honest. You really couldn't with that face, now could you.
Angelus: I'm not gonna get a bat nose like that, am I?
Angelus: You belong by my side, out in the world feeding as we like, taking what we need. I'll give you that view you crave, Darla. I'll give you everything. Tell the truth! Whose face do you want to look at for eternity, his or mine?
Master: I give it a century, tops.
Dru: When I bit into him, I could hear the ocean...
Darla: Of course you could.
Dru: I could! I could pick the wisest and bravest knight in all the land and I make him mine forever with a kiss.
Angel: You don't have a sister.
Cordelia: Sure I do... my older, way older, like 400 years old, blonde sister. Darla. No last name.
Darla: What did you bring back, Lindsey? What am I? did you bring back that girl who's name I can't remember or did you bring back something else, the other thing?
Darla: Why should that matter? Do you think I ever hesitated when I wanted something? Life's too short. Believe me I know. 400 years and still too short.
Dru: My little Spike just killed himself a Slayer!
Spike: Don't be so glum, mate! Way you tell it, one Slayer snuffs another one rises. I figure there's another chosen one getting all chosen as we speak. I tell you what, when and if this new bird shows up, I'll give you first crack at her.
Angel: Look, I've killed men, you've seen it.
Darla: Rapists and murders. thieves and scoundrels! Did you think I wouldn't notice? Only evil doers, that's all you hunt now.
Darla: While Spike, Spike, was out killing a slayer, you were saving missionaries. From me!
Cordelia: Um, sorry. I know you're concussion gal and all, but around here its Angel. Just Angel - okay?