With the Beast out of the way, and sunlight returned to L.A., Wesley and Faith prepare for a final confrontation with Angelus.
Angelus: Hey, you're preaching to the guy who ate the choir.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Connor checks himself
In Release, Connor is seen in front of the mirror, checking himself for signs of vampiness. This scene was described in the script as:
CLOSE ON CONNOR as he bares his teeth, feeling for fangs. He relaxes into a normal face. Then -
A SERIES OF RAPID SHOTS: cut together a bit jarringly, as we watch Connor wrinkle his brow; push his forehead in with his fingers, then his palms; as he looks under his eyelids to check for yellow; examine his teeth for new pointyness again.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Character Trivia
Taser girl
In the Angel episode Release, Fred is holding a tranquiliser gun and Connor says to her, “Thought you were more of a taser girl”. He’s referring to the episode Deep Down, in which Fred attacked him with a taser after discovering he’d harmed Angel.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Strom demon
In Release, in a demon bar, Wesley shoots a Strom demon in the face, saying, “Strom demon. Face should grow back. Eventually.” This suggests the demon has regenerative powers.
The Brady Bunch
In Release, Angel compares the Angel Investigations team to the wholesome family from the 70’s TV show The Brady Bunch when he says, “Oh, come on. Why the stall, huh? You whipped up a rain of fire, blotted out the sun, earthquakes… all to maneuver the Brady Bunch into releasing Angel’s inner me.”
Seen at 10.30 minutes:
In Release, when Cordy reaches out to touch Connor’s hair, she does so with her right hand, but in the next shot she is using her left hand.
Angelus: Half of this crap is written in some archaic proto-demon-cuneiform, and I don't want to be rude, but I think the other half they just doodled.
Gunn: If he pops a fang in here, thwack him where it hurts.
Demon: Look, I'm telling ya, I don't know nothing. On my mother's tumor.
Wesley: Strom demon. Face should grow back. Eventually.
Connor: I thought you were more of a taser girl.
Lorne: Did I mention the only shots I'm good at involve tequila?
Fred: I do know one thing. You're out of your league. What you're up against? He'll make you his bitch, just like the Beast. So if you're going to kill me, just get it over with.
Angelus: Defy who? A big, scary voice?
Fred: But? There's always a "but". When this is over can we have a big "but" moratorium?
Angelus: Hey, you're preaching to the guy who ate the choir.
Angelus: Can you hear me? You can kiss my vampire ass!
Faith: Screw you!
Angelus: Mmmm. Maybe after. I like my girls to lie still.