Heather Nova

The song that plays while everyone is having sex in Touched is ‘It’s Only Love’ by Heather Nova from the album ‘South’.

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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 18th July 2005
    Hits: › 513  

    23 Comments about “Heather Nova”

    1. Saintsaucey says:

      Am I the only one who wanted to see dawn and andrew hook up during this scene

    2. vegan_ian says:

      Yep. The only one.

    3. stalwyn says:

      Giles shagging one of the Potentials would have been less dodgy

    4. Dawn says:

      Dawn and Andrew? LMAO!

      I really thought that Andrew also turned out to be gay lol

    5. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I have always liked this scene, namely for what is shown between Spike and Buffy. Against the backdrop of the other couplings, the fact that these two are lying there like that shows a lot about how these two have evolved in their relationship, if it is a relationship at least.
      By the way, i think (or more precisely, hope) that you were the only one Saintsaucey. Oh, and Giles and a potential: that mental image is wrong in so many ways.

    6. mairceridwen says:

      Others have talked about a possible Dawn/Andrew hookup. I don’t see why not–Dawn is not that young and Andrew is not that old. Maybe in a few years, when she’s in college.

    7. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      They don’t fit together, and it’s good that the writers didn’t try that. One thing that they did well over the seasons was to not make reaches such as this in the relationships of the characters (unlike most other shows, it seems). That’s just one opinion, however. Plus, the dude is gay (although I read your post stating that he may be bi, but I personally don’t buy it).

    8. Dawn says:

      I loved the chemistry between Dawn and Andrew… but a relationship would have NEVER worked, it just dont fit…

    9. Smash says:

      Even though Dawn was close to the age Buffy was when she had her first sex scene, I think it would have been horrible to do that to her character. We’ve come to see her as a child and I wouldn’t have thought it was right to introduce a sexual relationship right out of no where.

      What I wanted to see was flashes of Xander and Anya, Spike and Buffy, and Kennedy and Willow….then cut to Dawn and Andrew, like, playing Scrabble or something. Something to put them in a comic situation rather than an almost disturbing sexual one.

    10. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I must disagree with you Smash. While I do not like this notion that somebody mentioned about Dawn and Andrew (wrong much?), it is incorrect to state that the makers of the show should not do things with any character simply because “We’ve come to see her as a child.” The character had grown since her first appearance, and if the writers had found a good, interesting story to tell with her (no matter what it was), it would have been good to see. The character, like all characters on all shows, grew over the years, and she had reached the point that many options were potenially open for good storytelling. That’s just one opinion, however.

    11. mairceridwen says:

      “although I read your post stating that he may be bi, but I personally don’t buy it”

      Of course you don’t

      My college dawn/andrew thing wasn’t serious, it was making fun of the fact that although the show is over, we can still “envision” these characters in the future.

      In any case, gay or straight or not (and I think we’re all reading a little too much into Andrew’s quirks…the truth is, Joss gives us very little to work with, I think Andrew’s sexuality is supposed to be comically ambiguous), the reason that Andrew “works” with the girls the way he does is because there is NO sexual tension whatsoever.

    12. slightlyembarrased says:

      If Joss Whedon were the groundbreaker everyone says he is, then Giles and Principal Wood would have ended up together….and Faith would have ended up with, like, 5 potentials…at once…and an alligator…

    13. star*naming says:

      ooh.. and maybe..as she did all that..have faith sneeze and not cover her mouth!!!!! ..that’s a line joss hasn’t dared cross yet.

    14. slightlyembarrased says:

      Sneezing without covering her mouth!?!?!…oh, star*naming…that’s just sick…

    15. slightlyembarrased says:

      I found Ms. Nova’s song on SoulSeek…it’s a nice little song. Liked it so much, I stole…er…”borrowed” the entire album.

    16. Abby M. says:

      Wow, still trying to recover from the mental picture of Giles and Principal Wood…gives me the jibblies…

    17. somethingblue says:

      I’m slightly concerned about all of the mental images slightlyembarrased brought forth…Giles and Wood (no pun intended), Faith and many girls, I believe you just took us into a very deep, dark place in your mind! Plus the poor alligator! Scary!

    18. slightlyembarrased says:

      I do my best to keep things off-kilter. That’s the beauty of the anonimity of the web…say what you please (within reason and politely), and let the chips fall where they may…

      And for the record, somethingblue, I am a deeply disturbed individual.

    19. somethingblue says:

      well, it’s good to know that one is not alone in the world of disturbiness! (See my trivia on Crazy like a…florist)

    20. hannah_wish01 says:

      that song is brilliant i have to say, and it fits really well with the scene. im prety sure that it would however not fit well with the whole Giles/Potential image that has been inplanted in my mind forever. perhapse a comical song would be more appropriate.

    21. DarthRosenberg says:

      Geeez…. Giles with a potential OR Andrew with Dawn… Geez, it’s so… Yuck!
      However I’m an Andrew/Anya fan… They were so cute together in the last few episodes… I like especially the wheel-chair fight and that scene when Andrew said that Anya is the perfect woman. :D

    22. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      Andrew and Anya? That just sounds so…wrong. To each his own, however (or…her own). That statement by a former heavy poster about Faith and five potentials has promise, though (kidding…well I am a guy so I’m not entirely kidding).

    23. DarthRosenberg says:

      Okay I wasn’t entirely serious. They just had a lot of screen time together in last few episodes, and that was funny. That’s all. I am not an Anya/Andrew shipper, no way!!!! :D

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