Hyena possession

In the episode The Pack, a group of Sunnydale High students (Xander, Kyle, Tor, Rhonda and Heidi) accidentally became possessed by hyenas whilst on a school trip to the zoo. They steadily began to act more like predatory hyenas, culminating with the group, minus Xander, eating Principal Flutie alive. Giles says of the possession, “Apparently there’s a sect of animal worshippers known as primals. They believe that humanity, consciousness, the soul, is a perversion, a dilution of spirit. To them the animal state is holy. They’re able, through trans-possession, to draw the spirits of certain animals into themselves.” Primals are completely fictional.

Related Trivia:
  • Unpleasant possession
  • Back to the start
  • Andersons
  • Anderson
  • Zombies and hyenas
  • Barbara Whinnery
  • Justin Jon Ross
  • Razorbacks
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 8th October 2004
    Updated: › 22nd November, 2005
    Hits: › 369  

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