![]() Jonathan was a shy, quiet, nerdy boy who attended Sunnydale High. He tried to kill himself at school, but was saved by Buffy. After a brief stint in a psychiatric ward, where he learnt some interesting spells, Jonathan returned to Sunnydale and cast a spell on the town to make the residents believe he was their ideal person. After being found out by Buffy, Jonathan left Sunnydale but returned to team up with Warren Meers and Andrew to take over Sunnydale. The three nerds got up to a lot of trouble, which resulted in Jonathan becoming increasingly shunned by his friends. He and Andrew escaped to Mexico when Willow tried to kill them, but returned to open a Seal underneath the school. Unbeknownst to Jonathan, Andrew was being visited by the First in the body of Warren who forced Andrew to kill Jonathan. Played by: Danny StrongAppeared in: Inca Mummy Girl, Reptile Boy, What's My Line? (Part 2), Bad Eggs, Passion, Go Fish, Dead Man's Party, Homecoming, The Wish, Earshot, The Prom, Graduation Day (Part 2), Superstar, Flooded, Life Serial, Smashed, Gone, Dead Things, Normal Again, Entropy, Seeing Red, Villains, Two To Go , Grave, Conversations with Dead People, Never Leave Me, First Date, Storyteller |
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Suggested by: | › Jess |
Added: | › 8th September 2004 |
Updated: | › 29th March, 2006 |
Hits: | › 1780 |
December 18th, 2005 at 12:41 pm
Jonathan’s death for me was very upsetting. Almost as painful as the deaths of Tara and Joyce.
I think that the way he was treated in Season 6 by the Scoobie gang was unfortunate and sad.
Jonathan knew tha Scooobies. He was there since Season 1. Like Willow he got teased for being nerdy in junior high. Unlike Willow he was not strong enough to himself. He simply wanted to fit in. He went to get treatment for his suicidal feelings and fell in with similar geeks.
But when he offers to help in “Two to go” they are so angry with what Warren has done that they ignore him. Buffy just tells him to shut up.
He returns to Sunnydale to try to save it and gets murdered by his friend. Jonathan’s life and death on the show are truly tragic.
December 18th, 2005 at 7:17 pm
Yes, I agree elf. Jonathon, the perpetual victim. But the Jonathon character is needed to balance / emphasize the strengths and achievements of the scoobys. There is no strength without weakness. Tragic though, I don’t think I wanna be like him.
December 27th, 2005 at 7:31 pm
i always felt sorry for johnathon, in ‘the wish’ i think it is, when Harmony tells Cordeilia that she has found her the perfect match and points her to Johnathon whi is just sitting on the steps with acup and straw looking all sad, it really chokes me sometimes because he is such a steriotypical geek and he never seams to escape that steryotype. apart from in superstar but that is only due to supernatural forces!
poor old Jon
February 8th, 2006 at 10:51 pm
Jonathon was always sweet. He wanted to have friends and power and everything. In Gone, he freaked out when Warren wanted to kill Buffy. He was never evil, he just wanted everyone to like him. I was so sad when Andrew killed him. And right after his speech about how he wanted to see everyone from high school and talk to them and find out how they were doing. Wasn’t it kind of funny how the last time we ever see Jonathan was in Storyteller when him and Warren and Andrew are wearing togas and dancing with unicorns? I love that.
RIP Jonathan
February 9th, 2006 at 3:47 am
Everyone was always so mean to him. It was sad. There’s a special place for Jonathan in my heart.
February 24th, 2006 at 3:42 am
he’s so cute when he’s shy and nerdy
May 14th, 2006 at 1:36 am
MagicBone, how is it you always sum up everything I want to say?!
For someone who started off as a background character for a bit of light comic relief, Jonathon had a big impact and grew into a strong, loveable character on his own. I think it was because of that shy, geeky aspect to him that everyone can relate to - he was so sweet and all he wanted was to desperately make friends!
Doesn’t sound very tragic but the sad thing is that that was the driving force behind all his bad decisions (the augmentation spell, the Troika). He was barely evil in season 6, just under an evil influence. I was really glad Willow didn’t kill him, but gutted when Andrew did. I don’t think I’ve ever loved him more than when he told Andrew he wanted to save everyone despite them not caring about him. That really says it all about the kind of guy he was.
June 8th, 2006 at 1:49 pm
I liked Jon a lot. He was always there. In the background, but he was still an important character & he had a crappy life, crappy death, & a shallow unmarked grave.
& the scoobies bullied him sorta & they now that he had a crappy time & they were still arses to him. Even Willow & Xander & they were bullied at school & they bullied someone who had a harder time even than them!!
Its like the way the Scoobies treat Andrew. He was bullied & tormented at school, his mum coddled him, his brother bullied him & his dad was ashamed of him.
& when Anya hits him in ‘Never leave me’ & he starts crying, he’s remembering his helplessness at school & how people used to bully him & how he couldn’t do anything about it because there was one of his small, weak self & probably 2 or 3 big lads. & then Anya & Xander laugh at him.
Spike’s the only one that really likes Andrew (apart from the potentials).
& why does Andrew have to ‘redeem’ himself for killing Jonathan when Spike killed a load of people & the Scoobies try to help him.
So, i suppose, the Scoobies are bullies!!
June 9th, 2006 at 5:51 am
Em…no. I love Andrew but even I know he betrayed Jonathan in the worst way possible. He has to redeem himself because he murdered his best friend in cold blood - he doesn’t have the excuse of being a demon or anything, and he wasn’t tricked into it, no matter how much he tries to convince himself or anyone else he was. It was important he worked out that what he did was very real and very wrong, and actually faced up to the responsibility.
I’m assuming you’re talking about Spike killing under The First’s influence in early season 7? Key words: under The First’s influence. He was triggered, he didn’t know what he was doing and he couldn’t stop himself, hence the Scoobies’ help. Not only that but they knew that while he was being controlled by The First he was a threat to them so it’s understandable they’d want to put a stop to it.
June 9th, 2006 at 3:30 pm
What you stated in your post was so correct, Wynter. Also, the scoobies were willing to sort of accept Andrew even after what he did, so that also shows how they aren’t ‘bullies’. This seems to just be the feelings of someone who is blinded by love of this character, at least to an extent (and we do all love Andrew, just maybe not as much as that guy does).