Kelly Donovan


Nicholas Brendon has an identical twin brother called Kelly, who is often mistaken for Nick by fans. Kelly has done stunt work on Alias and played Jacob in MTV’s Undressed. Kelly doubled for Nick in the episode The Replacement, when Xander was split in two. Nicholas mostly played both characters but Kelly was used as a double, and had a bit of dialogue when the two were in the same frame.
In some scenes in Intervention, Xander was played by Kelly Donovan because Nicholas was sick.
Here’s what Nick said on the message boards at his official site:

“Truth be told, I played both characters [in The Replacement]. It was very challenging and rewarding and I must’ve done an OK job if you couldn’t tell it was me. … I had a blast working with Kelly and he really deserves kudos for his work. He was never promised on-screen dialogue but they did end up using some and I think he did a stand-up job. In fact there was even one point where Kelly, Tressa and I had to rewind and freeze the tape to decipher who was who, (standing side by side, Kelly as “Cool Xander” did a stellar job of imitating my signature blinky eyes).”
Related Trivia:
  • Kelly Connell
  • Nicholas Brendon
  • Fury’s Bobblehead
  • Singin’ in the Rain
  • Zachary Woodlee
  • Justin Gorrence
  • Rear Window
  • Pogo comics
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 23rd August 2004
    Updated: › 17th February, 2006
    Hits: › 2164  

    9 Comments about “Kelly Donovan”

    1. MagicBone says:

      How come they have different last names?? Oh, maybe they’re half brothers.

    2. MagicBone says:

      Oh my god….I cannot believe that I just wrote that. I just reread that and smacked myself. That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever thought. Please wipe that from your memory. Oh god…..

    3. slightlyembarrased says:

      I, for one, will never forgive you for this faux pas, MagicBone…never….

    4. MagicBone says:


    5. slightlyembarrased says:

      OK…no tears, MB…you are officially and completely absolved…*under his breath…”crybaby…”*

    6. slightlyembarrased says:

      ..though, MB, the more you think about it, identical twins truly ARE half-brothers, in that they come from one egg, that splits in HALF….

    7. somethingblue says:

      I think it’s funny, magicbone, just like your screename! So why do they have different last names? Did Nick take a screen name of his own? Curious…

    8. MagicBone says:

      Acdording to somewhere, Nick’s last name is Schultz but he uses his middle name Brendon as his last name. Maybe his brother did that too.

    9. arkaná says:

      Yes, they both use their middle names as last names. They must really hate their real last name? Or maybe they just think it’s easier to get jobs with more American sounding names.

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