Like to crush

Please note: This trivia was suggested by MagicBone. It has not been approved.

In A New Man, when Giles and Spike are driving, Giles mentions the word ’serviceable’ and Spike laughs. When Giles asks why, he says that it’s funny to here a Fyarl demon say serviceable and they’re more like ‘Like to crush, crush now?’

Related Trivia:
  • Willow’s crush
  • Kill, Destroy
  • Previously in Dru’s life…
  • Buffy memorabilia
  • Drusilla’s last stand
  • Not blue pyjamas
  • DiVinyls
  • Welcoming Spike
  • Suggested by: MagicBone
    Added: › 6th December 2005
    Updated: › 8th December, 2005
    Hits: › 325  

    23 Comments about “Like to crush”

    1. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I didn’t see any post that say that your trivia submissions are boring somethingblue. Was anyone saying that, because I don’t think that they were. oh, and it is true that submissions that cause conversation are good, no matter what.

    2. somethingblue says:

      sorry, twotogo-grave, I was actually defending slightlyem and myself at the same time for receiving very similar feedback, his above for this trivia and mine for
      so I may have been over-identifying with slightlyem, the “boring” comment comes from Smash’s comment above “If we started posting a bunch of descriptions of scenes we see happening anyway, I think it would be pretty boring.” And thank you for the support!

    3. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I think that you have a lot of support here, for your good posts as well as your trivia. But thanks for saying that.

    4. somethingblue says:

      Now I feel all warm and fuzzy, thank you! (or it may be the kahlua-*wink*)

    5. slightlyembarrased says:

      “Overidentifying” with the likes of me is the first step on the road to perdition. Consider yourself warned, s’blue.

    6. somethingblue says:

      is that the same road Angel took in season 2? ‘Cause I think I’ll take a left in Albuquerque (notice the bugs bunny reference)

    7. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      If you wind up in Pylea at the end of that road, wouldn’t that be cool?

    8. somethingblue says:

      well, no, cause I’d be a cow there, right?

    9. slightlyembarrased says:

      s’blue…no, I usually get really evil WHILE with a woman…not after….heh heh…and, yes, I liked your Bug reference…which reminded me of Anya’s defense of Elmer Fudd, “that poor man with the speech impediment…”

    10. somethingblue says:

      I loved that one too, slightlem. The fact that Anya was on Elmer’s side, of course against the bunny, such a good one. Which brings me to the question about Angel’s timing of losing his soul (I know this isn’t the right trivia area for this, but I’m livin’ on the edge), so was it because he was content after their consummation or because of the actual “happy” she caused him during and it just took a little bit for the whole soul thing to happen? And wouldn’t it be ironic if it were just after, at a time when men are traditionally known to give a woman to boot? hmmmm, very deep male pysche stuff here.

    11. somethingblue says:

      the boot, I mean

    12. slightlyembarrased says:

      “And wouldn’t it be ironic if it were just after, at a time when men are traditionally known to give a woman to boot?” On behalf of men everywhere, this just isn’t true…we usually just roll over and fall asleep!

      Back to your inquiry: It struck me that his post-coital contentment was the trigger, as, if you recall, he sits bolt upright in bed, and we see his soul, via lights and special effects, being jammed back into his body. A reaction, I might add, that only happens to me after REALLY dirty sex.

    13. somethingblue says:

      nice, you with the dirty sex. I like to think of Angel and Buffy has having a singularly beautiful and fulfilling experience (sigh!-still a romantic at heart) Also, I think his soul is ripped from his body, not jammed back into, right?

    14. slightlyembarrased says:

      Right…ripped out, not jammed in…duh. Okay, it’s visitation night, and now that the kid is in lullaby land, I shall watch my rental DVD for the evening…any of you see “Crash”? Any good?

    15. somethingblue says:

      not seen it, hubby wants to watch War of the Worlds (I’ve seen it already) hate Tom Cruise…good luck with Crush!

    16. slightlyembarrased says:

      “Crash” was very good. “Intense” may be an understatement, b’please…I highly recommend it. Don Cheadle is a great actor; everyone in it is spot-on.

      “maybe you just shouldn’t have any “REALLY dirty sex” for a while…”….spoil-sport…And, just so you won’t worry…I keep an orb of Thesulah on hand at all times…as you know, they make great paperweights…

    17. somethingblue says:

      Oops, I did mistype Crush instead of Crash, sorry about that, but what a good episode that one was, cause of Spike, o’course! Must have been the alcohol, like beagle says…

    18. somethingblue says:

      ok, I know you’re a good girl, b’please, but we all know that when we were in college, we had much more alcohol and sex than we do now…anyone else agree?

    19. slightlyembarrased says:

      In the wake of all our theological and quasi-theological rants here, I posted a new bit of “trivia” (as loosely as that term is applied here…*wink*) on the idea of Buffy as a Christ-figure….now, b’please, as our resident biblical scholar, I expect you to wax poetic on the topic….well..what are you waiting for?

    20. ant4buffy says:

      Cheers Smash for agreeing with me. Somethingblue - i do know the purpose of the site but as Smash has said, how can what happens in the scene be regarded as trivia? i could submit everything from season 1 saying when buffy arrives in the library giles is there and Xander is behind the stacks.

    21. mairceridwen says:

      I think the “like to crush” bit is less
      “trivia” and more like memorable buffy “moments” or “quotes” that people like to remember and wish to comment on.

    22. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      And with 40 comments in five days, apparently people like to comment on it.

    23. somethingblue says:

      It’s the crazy and eclectic bunch on this site that can “like to crush” down many a winding road with so many comments! We are all so cool!

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