Xander handles a Tampon

Please note: This trivia was suggested by somethingblue. It has not been approved.

In School Hard (2.03), when Buffy is in the alley at the Bronze fighting the vampire that Spike sent out to “get something to eat”, Buffy yells to Xander that a stake would be nice. Xander runs in the Bronze, grabs her bag, pulls out something I can’t make out and then pulls out a tampon in its wrapper, which he fumbles with and flips on the table. He finally gets the stake and throws it to Buffy just in time.

Related Trivia:
  • Evil twin
  • [2.16-25.17] Library doors
  • [1.12-07.26] Bossy Xander
  • Lyrics: I’ll Never Tell
  • Willow and Xander miss each other
  • [3.13-06.41] Reused shot
  • Unappreciative Xander
  • Seeing. Knowing.
  • Suggested by: somethingblue
    Added: › 8th December 2005
    Hits: › 781  

    49 Comments about “Xander handles a Tampon”

    1. somethingblue says:

      We’ll count those jolly ranchers! I loved Buffy’s face in Life Serial every time she took a shot - cracked me up! And…the episode that exposed us to kitten poker…that’s absolutely the best!

      So in biblical times, where there was no legal drinking age, I assume, (hoping that DOESN’T make an ass our of you and me…), was it ok for children to have wine? I wonder when it was determined that there should be a legal drinking age for adults?

    2. Smash says:

      I’m sure there still isn’t a legal age in a lot of countries. I think that cultures that encourage a glass of wine at dinner for children discourages heavy drinking later in life, because it takes away the novelty and the “cool factor”. How many times to you hear teeny boppers talking about how wasted they got off fruity wine coolers last weekend in some lame attempt to sound cool. I doubt having wine with your Sabbath dinner produces the same effect.

    3. beagle says:

      Volstead can kiss my booty. You’d think we would’ve learned. Well, there are a lot of people (they aren’t all baptists) who make themselves feel better by criticizing others.
      Yes, all things in moderation. Just because something is dangerous doesn’t mean it’s immoral.

    4. slightlyembarrased says:

      beags…making the obscure reference to the “Volstead Act”…oh yeah…I like it.

    5. somethingblue says:

      For those of us who were not acute enough to be down with the Volstead comment (like me!) and who also want to keep up with the likes of slightlyem and beags, here’s what I found on the net at http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAvolstead.htm

      “Andrew Volstead, a leading Republican member of the House of Representatives, was the author of the National Prohibition Act (also known as the Volstead Act) that was passed by Congress in 1919. The law prohibited the manufacture, transportation and sale of beverages containing more than 0.5 per cent alcohol. The act was condemned by a large number of the American population who considered it a violation of their constitutional rights.

      One of the consequences of the National Prohibition Act was the development of gangsterism and crime. Enforcement of prohibition was a difficult task and a growth in illegal drinking places took place. People called moonshiners distilled alcohol illegally. Bootleggers sold the alcohol and also imported it from abroad. The increase in criminal behaviour caused public opinion to turn against prohibition. In 1933 prohibition was repealed by the adoption of the 21st Amendment.”

      Consider yourselves in the loop, if you wanted to be. I know I did!

    6. somethingblue says:

      oh, and excuse me while I go have a kahlua for my after dinner dessert:) nummies…

    7. beagle says:

      Yes, Not very becoming of me. To point my finger at a group and call them finger pointers. Must of been the alcohol.

    8. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      What does it say about everyone that something called “Xander handles a tampon” can quickly get this many posts?

    9. somethingblue says:

      It’s crazy buffy-fun, that’s what it is! Another reference to “that-time’-of-the-month” in the buffyverse is when Willow and Oz are discussing continuing dating once they discover he’s a werewolf, she says to Oz “Yeah, okay, werewolf, but that’s not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month I’m not much fun to be around either.” (source www.buffyworld.com, season 2, “Phases”). This line cracked me up as well!

    10. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      And after all, who doesn’t love “crazy buffy-fun” anyway?

    11. mairceridwen says:

      “Jesus liked to party, what with the water into wine”

      He could have turned wheat into marijuana
      Or sugar into cocaine
      Or vitamin pills into amphetamines

      Jesus was way cool

    12. MagicBone says:

      Amen, mairce (haha, I just cracked myself up, seriously I might need a minute) … Jesus was pretty cool. Plus now, I mean seriously, look at all the nice, happy holidays we have. Even myself, who happens to be an atheist (sp?, now I feel stupid) appreciates both the randomness of holidays (come on Easter? what’s w/ the rabbit? And the eggs?) and also the religious side. And all of the stories are nice and they make you feel good, like everything really could be good and peaceful and there’s a whole other side to everything.

      One more thing … this used to be tampons … how random are we?

    13. slightlyembarrased says:

      Randon tampons….good name for a band.

    14. slightlyembarrased says:

      RandoM Tampons, that is…Paging Jess!…we really need edit buttons!

    15. MagicBone says:

      Random Tampons, I can see it now. That name will be in lights someday.

    16. slightlyembarrased says:

      The title of our first album: “Buffy’s Purse”

    17. Abby M. says:

      I will not rest until I put this band together…

    18. MagicBone says:

      Our second album can be called: “The Spangladesh Flag”

    19. slightlyembarrased says:

      “I will not rest until I put this band together…”

      I should hope not, Abby..after all, you ARE our lead singer.

    20. slightlyembarrased says:

      b’please..I really like your Stacy’s Mom parody lyrics…and I love finally knowing how to make italics.

    21. slightlyembarrased says:

      Ok…what the F***?….

    22. slightlyembarrased says:

      Great work, b’please…you broke the site…

    23. Jess says:

      OK, kids, I’m gone for a day and you all italicise the site. Nice one. Fixed now!

    24. slightlyembarrased says:

      B’please…Go to your room…NOW!

    25. slightlyembarrased says:

      Who’s your daddy, b’please? Heh heh….

    26. somethingblue says:

      b’please, I love the lyrics and was singing your little diddy and laughing!

      Another Spike poetry quote:
      “I’m the very spirit of vexation. What’s another word for “gleaming”?”

    27. Abby M. says:

      I am only able to check this site after school and it is amazing to see what exactly you guys put on this site in the course of a day!

      Great b’please! You make Weird Al proud.

    28. beagle says:

      Abb, See what you have to look forward to in your professional life? Risking the wrath of the web nazis (getting fired) to post ramdem ideas on a site about a character named Buffy. Yay! teehee

    29. MagicBone says:

      Abby - same here. We don’t have to worry about getting fired necessarily but we do have to watch out for very large study hall teachers that like to shout and run at you (and when they do, you need to hold on to something b/c the floor shakes). Or maybe that’s just me. We too risk the wrath of web nazis but in a different, less serious way (detention).

    30. Abby M. says:

      Amen! (But remember, if the study hall teacher is more then 10 minutes late, we can all go home!)

    31. MagicBone says:

      Abby, unfortunately you aren’t in my study hall. Then we could get scolded together. (Or go home if she was late.)

    32. slightlyembarrased says:

      “just the largest damn papers you’ve ever written.”

      ..and, as I sit in my office at 11 PM, pouring over an 67 page brief I have to file with the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, I can tell you that, even after college, the “damn papers” you have to write just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger….

      To paraphrase the old country standard, “Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be lawyers…”

    33. beagle says:

      What could be brief about 67 pages? *rim shot*
      Man, if I don’t get out of work by 5:30 I’m ready to strangle someone. Remember, No one says, “I wish I would’ve spent more time in the office.” on their deathbed.

    34. slightlyembarrased says:

      “you sound very important when you write comments like that.”

      Well, b’please, it just so happens, I am very important…you know, according to my Mom…

    35. slightlyembarrased says:

      “I wish I would’ve spent more time in the office.”

      I know I’ve heard that somewhere…okay, beags, spare me the ardour of going through every DVD I own, and tell me…

    36. beagle says:

      I can’t remember where I heard/read that.

    37. mairceridwen says:

      isn’t that some kind of time management steve covey kind of thing?

    38. mairceridwen says:

      “Randon tampons”

      also this looks like radon tampons which sounds like something I’d get an mass e-mail about. so let’s not give the hippie anti-tampon goddess people something else to fret about.



      i can just see it now…

    39. slightlyembarrased says:

      Mairce…you once suggested that I might, in fact, be your fiance posing as a New York lawyer…However, with each of your posts, I am beginning to believe that YOU are ME posing as a grad student from Indiana….

      Great minds think alike…and aside from our one, notable disagreement (which I have put behind me…sort of *wink*), you and I are in almost uncanny and slightly unnerving agreement on almost all other issues raised here.

      Oh yeah…the radon-laced tampons bit…genius.

      PS: The line which beags quoted IS from a movie, not some self-help guru wannabe. I will find it some day, and post it here.

    40. slightlyembarrased says:

      Now…if only I could get my email address to mair without posting it for all the world to see, we might embark upon a lifelong friendship….

    41. slightlyembarrased says:

      beags…Al Franken in his 2002 commencement speech at Harvard attributed that quote to late Massachusetts Senator Paul Tsongas….that said, I am sure I’ve heard it in a movie and/or TV show.

      Until I find it, as Willow once said, “I shall Google til I just can’t Google no more.”

    42. mairceridwen says:

      is it from Office Space?

      paul tsongas is from the city that i am from

      slightlyem, you can contact me at mairceridwen@yahoo.com

      it’s the address i used for public posting situations

    43. slightlyembarrased says:

      Problem solved…see. Look for an email soon. (I filed my boring assed brief this morning at 8 AM, and am taking the day off….)

    44. beagle says:

      Oh gosh, i’m quoting liberals? Well, It’s true anyway.

    45. MagicBone says:

      This is way off, but I just got home a little while ago and stuff and re: b’please (haha, fun and time saving…ish) my study hall teacher IS scary. Today, as a “nice holiday treat” she offered everyone cookies. A bunch of the people took some but I was frightened and backed away slowly. I wonder what she put in them… hmmm (radon, I bet). And maybe THEY’RE BOTH SLIGHTYEMBARRASED! Ah ha!

    46. laurenn says:

      When I watched this episode, I was with a friend and had to tell her. It’s probably easy to miss because people are more concerned about what is going on outside the Bronze.

    47. MagicBone says:

      I just reread that post I made above the last one and wondered to myself “What the fuck was I on?”

      I miss Slightlyembarrased : (

    48. somethingblue says:

      Me too. Too bad he got pissed and left us forever!

    49. Sunnydalehigh says:

      I just read all the comments above for the first time. You are all too funny! Slightlyem should definitely come back.

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