
Marc was a magician in the school talent show who appeared to be human but was actually a demon and member of the Brotherhood of Seven. He tried to get Giles’s brain by performing the Guillotine trick on the gullible librarian, but he was stopped by Buffy. Marc was killed by Sid the Dummy in The Puppet Show.

Played by: Burke Roberts
Appeared in: The Puppet Show
Related Trivia:
  • Marc Blucas
  • Marc post-Buffy
  • Bye, Marc
  • Marc in the credits
  • Marc and Riley comparisons
  • Burke Roberts
  • J. Patrick Lawlor
  • Sid the Dummy
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 9th September 2004
    Updated: › 25th October, 2005
    Hits: › 548  

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