Marcie Ross


Marcie Ross was an unpopular girl at Sunnydale High who became invisible when no one noticed her. Blamed Cordelia for her plight and set about getting revenge, by hurting her friends and eventually kidnapping Cordy and threating to cut her. Marcie was taken away by FBI Agents Manetti and Doyle to be trained as an assassin. She was only seen in the episode Out of Mind, Out of Sight, but she was also referred to in the episodes Lessons, Storyteller and Gone.

Played by: Clea DuVall
Appeared in: Out of Mind, Out of Sight
Related Trivia:
  • Marcie again
  • Agent Manetti
  • Mitch
  • Agent Doyle
  • Miss Miller
  • [1.11-32.05] Marcie power
  • Starring together …
  • Can’t Hardly Wait
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 9th September 2004
    Updated: › 27th October, 2005
    Hits: › 586  

    5 Comments about “Marcie Ross”

    1. Dawn says:

      They should have brought her back just one more time in an other season…
      because the ending of ‘Out of mind, out of sight’ had an open ending… so she could have showed up one more time as the assasin she studied for…

    2. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      She was a neat character, but I must disagree with Dawn here. They shouldn’t have brought her back because what is left to the imagination works much better here than to see what happened to her. That’s just one opinion, at least.

    3. Dawn says:

      Everybody has their own opinion… thats cool :)

      but the thing I liked from season 1 was that every episode had an open ending…
      they should have brought some things back from season 1 if they wanted to… but they didn’t (except Amy)

      I just watched yesterday the episode with marcie again… so thats why I made that comment… I just want to know whats up with that character :)

    4. Angel242 says:

      Well they brought back the master, if that’s what you mean. He and the annotited one. Or quoting Spike: How’s the annoying one?

    5. Dawn says:

      yeah okay but the master and the annoited one where plot characters… they where really important…

      marcie was not an important character…
      thats what I mean…
      you know… like that insect woman xander had a crush one.. she left some eggs in the closet… that also never came back…

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