Martina Cole

There is a reference to Buffy in the Martina Cole book The Graft. The character Tammy Leary says this line to her husband Nick: “This from a man who if he missed a single episode of Buffy was depressed for a week!”

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  • Joss Whedon
  • Suggested by: Mel
    Added: › 27th February 2006
    Hits: › 223  

    5 Comments about “Martina Cole”

    1. Abby M. says:

      Story of my life.

    2. MagicBone says:

      Hee hee, Abby.

    3. cardboardy says:

      A day without Buffy is something to be avoided, I feel. A week? Nooooooooooooooo!
      I cant imagine the trauma of missing an episode back in the olden days when there were more episodes every week, and the long long wait till Tuesday. Then again I didn’t really get implanted with my Buffy chip till late season 6, so never had the misfortune of missing an episode.

    4. tadpole says:

      I didn’t fall in love with ‘Buffy’ until season five. Sad, I know. I feel so deprived. Now I’m hooked on dvd, and have seen them all many a time. Still, I know the void between episodes. (Except for that damned double meat abomination.)

    5. luckykitty89 says:

      I unfortunately had the misfortune of completely missing out on ‘Buffy’ AND ‘Angel’ while they were new and current, something I curse myself about on a daily basis. I would so have loved to be in on all of the hype when everyone was watching the story unfold. I stumbled across an episode of ‘Angel’ on TNT the year after the show was canceled (evil, evil TV people) and I was hooked. I had no idea about ‘Buffy’ at the time and when I told my best friend about this awesome show that I saw she told me that it was a spin-off from ‘Buffy’ and I was like ‘I MUST GET DVD!’ I have accumulated the first three ‘BTVS’ seasons on DVD and refuse to buy season four until I have enough cash to buy both it and the first season of ‘Angel’ at the same time so I can watch the episodes in the correct sequencial order. I know. I have no life. Now I am starting over from the beginning until I have the money. I want to see if I missed anything (and I can use the nifty subtitles to hear it in English and read it in Spanish. Spanish three is kicking my butt and my teacher said wacthing TV in Spanish was a great way to help with vocab and stuff. Don’t need to tell me twice. Now I have a legitimate reason to give my parents for why I’m wasting a whole lotta time watching the DVDs).

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