Buffy says, “You just went O.J. on your girlfriend” in I Only Have Eyes For You. This is a reference to former American Football superstar O.J. Simpson, who was tried for killing his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her ‘friend’, Ron Goldman, in June 1994. He was controversially found not guilty in October 1995.
In the Angel episode I Fall To Pieces, Cordelia says, “I don’t get it, this guy has a lot to lose. What is it about Melissa that’s got him going all O.J. here?” In the same episode, Kate says “they’re the law firm that Johnny Cochran is too ethical to join.” Johnny Cochran was the lawyer who defended OJ Simpson.
In Sense and Sensitivity, the Wolfram and Hart lawyer, Mercer says, “…that will make Mark Fuhrman look like Gentle Ben.” Mark Fuhrman was a detective in the Los Angeles Police Department who found the bloody glove that linked O.J. Simpson to the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson. During the 1995 murder trial of O.J. Simpson, the defense accused Fuhrman of being a racist and planting evidence.
August 22nd, 2005 at 10:36 am
OJ was Cameron’s original pick for the Terminator but the studio didn’t believe he would be convincing as a homicidal robot.