Oz in The Wish

Please note: This trivia was suggested by JayCee171. It has not been approved.

In the episode The Wish, we see that Oz is fighting along with Giles, Larry, and Nancy, but if Buffy had never come to Sunnydale wouldn’t Oz be dead after the werewolf hunter Caine hunted him in Phases?

Suggested by: JayCee171
Added: › 22nd October 2005
Updated: › 19th March, 2006
Hits: › 361  

9 Comments about “Oz in The Wish”

  1. JayCee171 says:

    But if I recall the episode correctly off the top of my head wasn’t Caine in the general area of Oz’s house when there was that chase after he changed. Caine had been tracking him for a couple days. There would have been a good chance that he tracked him to his house and killed him while he was chained up and fully turned even if he didn’t know Willow. But that all comes down to the what if scenario. It’s just Buffy saved all their lives at one point or another they had to keep some characters alive for that episode.

  2. NotFadeAway says:

    This is so not a goof. The episode simply has got to have Oz in it for emotional impact if nothing else. It would be hard to imagine this episode missing that great shot of Oz killing the vampire Willow just to avoid a small possible (but unlikely) conflict with a bad episode from the year before. If he wasn’t in “The Wish” for a reason like that, a lot of people (myself included) would have been pretty upset.

  3. mairceridwen says:

    /playful friendly sarcasm: ON

    So, a little inconsistency is okay if YOU like the episode.

    /playful friendly sarcasm: OFF

    Personally, I prefer that the writers take a few liberties here and there to, like NFA said, give the show some emotional impact. I’ll admit it doesn’t always work, but it’s better to take some risks than to shut an idea down just because it’s inconsistent.

  4. mairceridwen says:

    I don’t recall the Caine episode all that well, but if Oz was one of the white hats, perhaps they helped take care of him and deflect Caine. Or, if vampires ruled the town as they seemed to in The Wish, maybe Caine would have avoided Sunnydale all together.

  5. Saphir says:

    Or, it’s possible that in this reality Oz wasn’t a werewolf. This doesn’t imply that Buffy was the cause of Oz’s being bitten, but that we shouldn’t assume that everything else holds true.

  6. Mysteryend says:

    Ok correct me if im wrong because high chance Iam…. Oz repeated his last year of high school and repeated it becuse of Willow so why is he stil in school?

  7. TwoToGo-Grave says:

    He didn’t repeat it for Willow. He repeated it because he simply failed to graduate. He also failed to attend summer school, but that was also not because of Willow (but may have been because of helping to fight demons; something that would have been more neccessary if he did not have Xander and Willow to help and if the whole town was overrun). Just a thought.

  8. Abby M. says:

    While it’s still possible that Oz might have not even been a werewolf in The Wish world, it is still very possible he was. Many things changed by Buffy not coming to Sunnydale. It is even possible that nobody, not even Oz knew he was werewolf because the Scoobie Gang wasn’t there to help him along and so he just randomly woke up outside 3 nights a month. Also, if Buffy had never come, it doesn’t mean Cain would have killed Oz. In Phases Xander makes the comment if it wasn’t for Buffy, Ms. French would have killed him and Willow would have been taken and/or killed by Moloch, but in The Wish, we see that isn’t true, they are actually sired. The same rule applys with Oz, just because Buffy wasn’t there, it doesn’t mean Cain would have killed him. The entire timeline was altered so Cain may have not even been in Sunnydale at all.

  9. TwoToGo-Grave says:

    And if the town was overrun and practically ruled by vampires, I doubt that Cain would have had the courage and stupidity to come to Sunnydale at all. It would be quite the potential suicide mission for one measly werewolf.

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