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Indestructable Sweets

I noticed an interesting part in “Triangle“. It can be seen at 21:15 in the scene where Anya accused Olaf of cheating. When Olaf hammers the display case of goodies, the shelf did not break and some of the cakes aren’t even smushed. I thought the hammer was supposed to …

[Hits: 73] [Suggested by btvs_chosen1] [Comments: 0]

Has anyone else noticed the similarities between Spike and the character Pike played by Luke Perry in the original Buffy movie? The hair-do, the leather jacket, the similar names: Pike vs. Spike….the whole motorcycle thing….I always wondered if Joss Whedon had maybe modelled Spike on Pike from the movie…

[Hits: 210] [Suggested by Jana] [Comments: 2]
Teddy Bear’s Picnic

At the beginning of Soulless, Angelus sings,
“If you go into the woods tonight,
You won’t believe your eyes.
If you go into the woods tonight,
You’re in for a big surprise…”

This is a paraphrase of the lyrics for the childrens’ song Teddy Bear’s Picnic, the lyrics of which are:
“If you go out in …

[Hits: 204] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Svea Priestesses

The Svea Priestesses, also known as The Svear, were a powerful mystical order of women. Descendants of a powerful Nordic priestess called Svea, they attempted to banish the Beast, who turned to Angelus for help. When Angelus told the Angel Investigations team of his association with the Beast, they went …

[Hits: 118] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 1]
[4.11a-21.42] Connor

When Cordelia looks at the monitor at the scene in the basement in Soulless, we see Connor walking towards the left side of the cage (on the screen), but when the shots cuts to the basement, Connor’s position is completely different.

[Hits: 79] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 0]
Tranq gun

In the scene in Soulless where Wesley saves Fred by shooting Angelus with the tranquiliser gun, the stage directions were as follows:

Then, PPHHHHTT! A tranquilliser dart pierces Angelus’s shoulder. A flash of annoyance passes across his face. Then, woozy, he STAGGERS back releasing Fred.
REVEAL Wesley, halfway down …

[Hits: 107] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 0]
Cordy’s secret

Cordelia’s role as the big bad in season four was revealed in Calvary. This was kept top secret - and the original script even had Angel killing Lilah instead of Cordy:

Lilah hightails it, round a corner, hurries down the long hallway, looks back over her shoulder when WHAM! She’s …

[Hits: 173] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 0]

In Calvary, Cordelia has a vision of how to (falsely) re-ensoul Angel. The spell needs ths skull of a Soul-Eater, and Gunn and Connor are sent to fetch it. The Soul-Eater was buried by the Chumash two hundred years ago but was still able to fight when unearthed. The Soul-Eater …

[Hits: 75] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Chumash again

The Soul Eater seen in the Angel episode Calvary was buried by the Chumash. The Chumash featured in the Buffy episode Pangs.

[Hits: 78] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Stay or Go

Goof seen at 46:01 in Bargaining Part 1

When the Hellions attack the Scoobies at Buffy’s grave and Xander tells Anya and Tara to run, the two are seen sprinting towards the woods at 45:58, but in the next shot they are still standing at the graveside, at 46:01.

[Hits: 73] [Suggested by Wynter] [Comments: 0]
Two Entrances

Goof seen at 45:20 in Bargaining Part 1

When the Scoobies are gathered around Buffy’s grave doing the resurrection spell, the Buffybot runs into the scene and comes to a stop at 45:18, but in the next shot she is shown running and stopping again, at 45:20.

[Hits: 62] [Suggested by Wynter] [Comments: 0]
Faith’s entrance

Faith’s entrance on Angel in season four’s Salvage is described as:

CLOSE ON THE STEEL DOOR, sliding open, allowing in sunlight, hitting the slightly bowed head of a prisoner. As she looks up…..
PUSH IN, POWER SHOT on the lovely face of

[Hits: 112] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 0]
[4.14a-10.30] Cordy’s hand

In Release, when Cordy reaches out to touch Connor’s hair, she does so with her right hand, but in the next shot she is using her left hand.

[Hits: 90] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 1]
Strom demon

In Release, in a demon bar, Wesley shoots a Strom demon in the face, saying, “Strom demon. Face should grow back. Eventually.” This suggests the demon has regenerative powers.

[Hits: 96] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
The Brady Bunch

In Release, Angel compares the Angel Investigations team to the wholesome family from the 70’s TV show The Brady Bunch when he says, “Oh, come on. Why the stall, huh? You whipped up a rain of fire, blotted out the sun, earthquakes… all to maneuver the Brady Bunch into releasing …

[Hits: 90] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 0]
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