Rogue Wesley

After battling the Mayor, Wesley headed off to become a rogue demon hunter which led him to L.A. There he met Angel and Cordelia and joined their private investigation work (in the spin-off show Angel). He became steadily cooler, stubblier and hoarser over the years was unrecognisable from the stuffy old Wes.

Related Trivia:
  • Barney
  • Alexis Denisof
  • Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
  • Wesley’s luck
  • Virginia Bryce
  • More romantic than Faith
  • Wesley’s origins
  • [3.16-35.45] Wesley
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 21st April 2005
    Updated: › 2nd April, 2006
    Hits: › 284  

    4 Comments about “Rogue Wesley”

    1. tadpole says:

      Is there any actual explanation of Wesley’s evolution into demon hunter? I find it strange that he shows up suddenly all clad in black leather. Demon-fighter, I could accept, since it’s undercut with humor. Black leather? A bit much.

      (He does show up in black leather, right? If I’m remembering that wrong, maybe I should see a therapist.)

    2. Mel says:

      He does show up in black leather. I think that part of the point of this is at the start of the episode, we don’t see who is in the leathers so we are meant to think that its somekind of macho demon hunter guy, but then it’s Wesley!

      I love it when he tells Cordy that he is a rogue demon hunter and she asks “what’s a rogue demon?”

    3. Jess says:

      I think it’s also got a lot to do with Wesley trying to change himself. When he was in Sunnydale, he saw what the lives of Slayers, and demon hunters were really like, and he was trying to change himself. Poor old Wes.

    4. tadpole says:

      Or maybe it was that much anticipated “kiss” with Cordelia. A thing like that can change a man forever. Poor old Wes.

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