Sarah on love scenes

Sarah Michelle Gellar discussed love scenes on Buffy in an interview with The Independent newspaper in June 2002:

“Love scenes are never the most comfortable things in the world. The best thing about it is I have been with the same crew for six years so they are like my family. It is a lot easier doing things you feel silly or uncomfortable about if you are around people who are that close to you - although you wouldn’t want your real family to see you doing things like that! To be honest, it is truly the unsexiest thing in the world. David Boreanaz, who was one of my first boyfriends on the show, and I were the worst. We would do horrible things to each other. Like eat tuna fish and pickle before we kissed. If he had to unbutton my shirt or trousers I would pin them or sew them together to make it as hard as I could. Once I even dropped ice cream on him.”

Source:The Independent newspaper, June 2002
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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 26th October 2004
    Updated: › 26th May, 2005
    Hits: › 2333  

    5 Comments about “Sarah on love scenes”

    1. Dawn says:

      thats funny… must remember those things ;)

    2. The_True_Xander says:

      Didn’t she have to drop ice cream on him in that Angel episode? Or is this a behind the scenes thing?

    3. MagicBone says:

      She dropped ice cream on him in I Will Remember You on the Angel crossover.

    4. somethingblue says:

      Actually, I think Angel dropped it on himself in “I Will Remember You” and then commented on his new human clumsiness. (could be wrong)

    5. onlimain says:

      Yeah, somethingblue is right. Here’s the scene:

      They kiss and some ice cream drips from his spoon on his chest.
      Angel: “Okay, mortal coordination leaving something to be desired.”
      Buffy: “Wrong. It’s just right.”
      Angel laughs as she licks up the ice cream then pulls her down into a kiss.

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