Speedy World-travelling Oz

Please note: This trivia was suggested by richardelguru. It has not been approved.

In New Moon Rising Oz has been gone for maybe 9 weeks and has managed to travel halfway round the world. I know you Americans seem to like the ’seven European capitals in forteen days’ type of trip (or is it forteen capitals in seven days??) but that seems a hell of a short time: maybe not enough for a goof but it’s a very compressed trip!

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  • Suggested by: richardelguru
    Added: › 14th August 2005
    Updated: › 4th September, 2005
    Hits: › 207  

    One Comment about “Speedy World-travelling Oz”

    1. Abby M. says:

      I disagree. In the Buffyverse he leaves somewhere in mid-November and he come back around April-May which is like 5 or 6 months. Plus, doesn’t someone say (I can’t remember) at one point that he was gone for 6 months? Plenty of time for a world-traveling soul search!

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