Spider-Man is a popular Marvel comic starring Peter Parker, who leads a double life as superhero Spider-Man. Made into two successful movies starring Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst. There are many similarities between Peter and Buffy, as she too is trying to lead a normal life, and (occasionally) make a living, whilst saving the world. Spider-Man has been mentioned in numerous Buffy and Angel episodes, including:
- Angel - The Master says, “With power comes responsibility”, which is the motto of the Spider-Man comics and movie.
- I Robot, You Jane - Buffy says, “My spider-sense is tingling”.
- A New Man - Riley says to Buffy, “You’re strong. Like Spider-Man strong”.
- No Place Like Home - Ben suggests Buffy’s strength comes from a “Radioactive spider bite”.
- Flooded - Anya and Dawn argue over if Spider-Man charges for helping people - Xander reminds them that “Action is his reward”.
- Two To Go - Andrew says, “Lex Luthor had a false epidermis escape kit in Superman Versus the Amazing Spider-Man Treasury edition”
- Selfless - Xander says, “This isn’t springy high-flying fun!”
- Bring on the Night - Andrew says “My spider-sense is tingling”.
- Inside Out - Cordy says “That’s it? I get away with bringing the world down around you and two eensy words tingle your spider sense?”
- Additionally, Buffy stuntman Erik Betts was director Sam Raimi’s choice for doubling actor Tobey Maquire for the movie Spider-Man, but was told by the costume designer that his shoulders were too large. Nicholas Brendon auditioned for the role of Spider-Man in the movie.