Spike’s Ring

Please note: This trivia was suggested by MagicBone. It has not been approved.

In Something Blue, when Spike proposes to Buffy and he gives her a ring, it looks a lot like a Claddagh ring (like the one that Angel gave Buffy in Surprise) except that the heart is larger.

Related Trivia:
  • Buffy’s Claddagh ring
  • Claddagh Ring
  • Anya’s ring
  • Angelus’s Claddagh ring
  • Pavlov’s Bell
  • Gem of Amarrah
  • Lord of the Rings
  • [1.16-39:42] Angel’s shirt
  • Suggested by: MagicBone
    Added: › 14th December 2005
    Updated: › 9th March, 2006
    Hits: › 272  

    5 Comments about “Spike’s Ring”

    1. somethingblue says:

      Actually, I believe the ring is a skeleton head. Course, it’s my favorite episode so I’ll have to go watch it again!

    2. Abby M. says:

      Really? Something Blue is your favorite episode? I never would have guessed! :P

    3. somethingblue says:

      I really tried to hide it (ha ha). By the way, I of course watched it last night and the ring is a skull, not a claddagh. I did the whole pause, slo-mo thing and all (ok, I’m a buffy nerd and damn proud of it!)

    4. Abby M. says:

      I hear ya S’blue! I do all that time to try and catch little, inconspicuous details. Now today officially begins my 2.5 week christmas—I’m sorry, winter break and it is going to be me, a DVD player, and all the snacks and soda I want to consume. I can only wonder what I will catch with my slow-motion action in the next couple of weeks.

    5. somethingblue says:

      One of my favorite things that I’ve noticed (since this about the 8th time I’ve watched the entire series) is in the first three seasons, Angel and/or Spike will show up in the background before they are actually acknowledged as being in the scene. I can tell that the blocking of the characters is such that if you are NOT looking at the main characters, you would see them in the background, but I really only noticed this with slo-mo! It happens a lot in the Bronze and I dig it. I have also found a few shadows pass by windows in certain scenes that I had to replay via the pause and slo-mo. It’s just more great big buffy fun! Cheers to you, Abby and your fun-filled winter break viewing party!

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