

Sweet was a red-skinned demon who was a talented singer and dancer. By invoking Sweet’s power, life becomes a musical, with everyone bursting into song and sharing their intimate feelings… though ultimately spontaneously combusting by dancing themselves to death. Xander secretly summoned Sweet in Once More, With Feeling to ensure he had a happy ending to his relationship with Anya, not realising the consequences. Sweet attempted to take Dawn as his bride but when he realised he would actually have to marry Xander, he decided to leave Sunnydale.

Appeared in: Once More, With Feeling
Related Trivia:
  • Sweet J
  • Lyrics: Sweet’s Song
  • Lyrics: Walk Through the Fire
  • Austin Powers
  • Lyrics: Sweet’s Song (Reprise)
  • Lyrics: Rest in Peace
  • [6.07-27.29] Dawn’s dress
  • Mountain Dew
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 11th September 2004
    Updated: › 11th August, 2005
    Hits: › 1916  

    6 Comments about “Sweet”

    1. blutortu says:

      Interesting bit of trivia (though I have no reference material for you): The Demon Sweet’s name isn’t mentioned in the episode, though the question is asked.
      Buffy: “You got a name?”
      Sweet: “I’ve got a hundred.”
      Other times he’s referred to as “My Master” and “the bad guy”, but not by name. The name was mentioned in a preview article on the episode in an issue of Entertainment Weekly. I assume the name is from the shooting script. Maybe someone with the scriptbooks could clarify this?

    2. Howard Russell says:

      In the closing credits, there’s a listing for:
      “Sweet” Make-Up Created by: Robert Hall

      A lot of people have suggested that it was supposed to mean that the make-up was ’sweet’ (a common colloquial superlative of the time) and that it wasn’t meant to name the demon in question.

      However, the OMWF soundtrack names him on two of the tracks. “Sweet’s Song” and “Sweet’s Song (reprise)”. The lyrics also name Sweet as the singer. I’m pretty sure they used Joss’s music sheets for this and not internet rumors.

      So I’d call it official that the demon’s name is Sweet.

    3. lins11 says:

      Is strange that he was never mentioned by name — has this happened with any other demons that Buffy had to face? I was thinking about it and all of the others seem to have been researched and their names found…or am I missing a few??

    4. Springy Sunshine says:

      The official script book refers to him as ‘the “dancing demon” Sweet’, also.

      The idea comes from a Hans Christian Andersen tale, about ‘a young girl who is punished when she insists upon wearing her red shoes to church repeatedly. The shoes are cursed with a spell so she must dance uncontrollably whenever she wears them. Though she is given the opportunity to put the shoes safely away, she cannot resist the temptation to wear them once more to a grand ball. This time, however, the shoes stick fast to her feet and she is forced to dance day and night as she travels across the countryside. Suffering from exhaution and pain, she visits the executioner and has her feet cut off so she can begin to repent for her sin of vanity.’

    5. MagicBone says:

      oh….not as fun at once more with feeling at all

    6. Springy Sunshine says:

      That was pretty much my conclusion.

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