To scar or not to scar?

Please note: This trivia was suggested by Esual. It has not yet been approved.

In Fool For Love, we see how William turned into Spike. When he is fighting his first Slayer, he gets a scar on his left eye. Fine. Oh no, wait a minute not fine! Vampires shouldnt scar. If they do scar then Angel, Spike and probably Buffy would have their faces and body full of them from the ammount of times they have been slashed open. Especially Angel after the episode In the Dark where he waa tortured. But if we were going down that road, Spike got stabbed by Riley in Into the Woods” and the list goes on and on. In conclusion, one small cut should not be able to scar a vampire, when being stabbed does nothing.

I know that the scar is James Marsters’ originally and they had to give a reason for it being there, but you could have had him get it when he was a human which would have been more believable.

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  • Suggested by: Esual
    Added: › 11th June 2006
    Hits: › 141  

    7 Comments about “To scar or not to scar?”

    1. All4Spike says:

      One reason I have seen given somewhere for the scar was the fact that the sword cut was in the shape of a cross, and therefore didn’t heal properly.

    2. Abby M. says:

      Hmm, I never heard of that before All4Spike, where’d you read that? That sounds pretty cool.

    3. All4Spike says:

      Sorry Abby M. I haven’t got a clue where I saw it. So many sites… so much trivia…
      It does sound sort of logical though, and if you see a close up of the scar when it is well defined (particularly in season 2 when he is in Vamp face) which it isn’t always, it does look a bit like a cross.

    4. Abby M. says:

      Ya know, through my countless hours of watching season 2, I have noticed his scar looking like a cross at times. I’m all aboard your theory.

    5. Wynter says:

      Abby M. says:
      June 14th, 2006 at 8:41 am

      I’m all aboard your theory.

      Me too! That really is a cool theory All4Spike. I think I’d noticed before that the scar was cross-shaped but hadn’t really paid attention to it, or linked that to being the reason there was a scar in the first place. When you think about it though, it makes all sorts of sense. I’m impressed, nice one!

    6. Esual says:

      I just wanted to say that that if that theory is true then all cross related scars should never heal. That means that the one Angel gets after kissing Buffy in the bronze (at the end of Angel, i think, i may be wrong though) and her necklace going onto his neck would never heal. But it does. And leaves no scar. What do you say to that?

    7. Sunnydalehigh says:

      I think the point was that just a cross burn would heal, as would just a cut, but if it’s a cut made by a cross, that’s a special situation and it might leave a scar. I don’t know if I agree with that, but who knows?

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