Who rang?

In This Year’s Girl, when the Scoobies are all at Giles’s flat, the phone rings. It’s a call for Buffy, and it’s someone telling Buffy that Faith has awakened and escaped from the hospital. Who was it? And how did they know Buffy was at Giles’ house?

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  • Suggested by: cardboardy
    Added: › 22nd March 2006
    Updated: › 29th March, 2006
    Hits: › 355  

    3 Comments about “Who rang?”

    1. blutortu says:

      I was always positive the call was from The Watcher’s Council.

      As one of the few competent (read: not demon) people who ever bested Faith, Buffy’d be the first person in Sunnydale that the Council would contact (but only after calling their own brute squad). They wouldn’t tell the news to Giles because he wasn’t working for the Council at the time. Most definitely, they would know where to reach the Slayer at that moment using any number of modern or mystical surveillance techniques.

      But after reviewing the transcript of the scene, now I think it was the police.

      Hello? What sort of emergency? No, I haven’t. Thank you, I’ll let you know.

      It’s possible Buffy had given the hospital or the police her contact info in the event that Faith’s condition would change. Because Buffy isn’t stupid, it would only be reasonable for her to want to know exactly where the “psychopathic superbitch” was at all times. Since Faith is still wanted for murder, I imagine the police wouldn’t waste their time in contacting anyone who might have seen or heard from her.

      My two cents.

    2. cardboardy says:

      I hear ya, Blutortu, your post sounds like the conversation I have with myself over this issue.
      Was it the Wathcer’s Council??
      I personally doubt it was the Watchers Council, because Giles’ reaction was totally blank when he answered the call and passed the phone over to Buffy. If it had been the Watcher’s Council (the British accent would have registered even if they didn’t identify themselves), surely his face would have registered some caution, or distate, or anything at all. But this didn’t happen, he passed the call over as though it was from someone ‘routine’.
      Was how could it possibly be the police??
      I just don’t think that Buffy would have been left as a contact point. She wasn’t kin, nor friend, nor enemy, nor in any way connected with Faith (as far as the hospital or police knew).
      Faith had no kin anyway. But she was under police watch for murder, so the police would have been the first to know about her awakening. If Buffy had been on some alert list (and it’s doubtful that such a thing exists for people in comas they’re unlikely to wake from, quite aside from the privacy laws governing passing of information) the police wouldn’t ring to tell someone they were in danger, and just leave it at that. If there was a threat, the police would be working towards protection from danger, rather than just informing about the danger.
      I think I should stop now, cause I’m doing that thing Buffy geeks do when they think too much about stuff.

    3. blutortu says:

      Cardboardy said:

      She wasn’t kin, nor friend, nor enemy, nor in any way connected with Faith (as far as the hospital or police knew).

      Ah, but she was connected to Buffy. Remember that they were both questioned after Deputy Mayor Alan was murdered.

      As a known associate of Faith’s, the police would be working perfectly in their depth to track Buffy down at Giles’ flat.

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