![]() In Doppelgängland, Principal Snyder makes Willow teach Percy in order to keep his grades up so he can play basketball. He made Willow coach students previously in the episode Go Fish. Snyder refers to the events of that episode as “the swim team debacle of last year”. Willow continues to coach Percy until graduation (We see that he’s “needy” in Earshot). |
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Suggested by: | › Jess |
Added: | › 20th April 2005 |
Updated: | › 24th February, 2006 |
Hits: | › 484 |
November 4th, 2005 at 5:33 am
…and, yet, we learn that Percy goes on to get, not a basketball scholarship, but, instead, a football scholarship to USC, one of the premier college football programs in the country…
November 6th, 2005 at 1:09 pm
I agree that a mistake was made in having him play football instead of basketball, but I feel that I must point out something about one thing that you mentioned. When the character was said to have went to USC, in the fall of 1999, this team was not one of the premier programs in the nation (the team went only 6-6 that year, in fact). The program’s dominance began after Pete Carroll took over as head coach in 2001. I know it’s not important, but I just felt like mentioning this.
November 6th, 2005 at 3:06 pm
Historically speaking, USC has always been considered one of the powerhouses of college football. OJ Simpson (running back, double murderer) was running there when Pete Carroll was in swadling cloth. But, point well-taken, the years Percy would have played there were not there most illustrious. I wonder if he tried out for the basketball team too…..
November 6th, 2005 at 6:09 pm
He’s not tall enough for a basketball scholarship. He probably didn’t try out for anything, but got picked up by a scout.
November 6th, 2005 at 6:23 pm
Percy is a rude, shallow young man, as was shown by his shoddy treatment of Willow in “Doomed”, season 4. Snotty girlfriend Laurie says, after meeting Willow: “So I can watch you flirt with that red head?” and Percy responds “What, Rosenberg? Yea, right. She’s just some egghead who tutored me a little in high school I mean, she’s nice, but, come on, Captain of the nerd squad?” So rude, I can only hope that he had the crap beat out of him by his own USC teamates! Off topic, but had to rant once again!
November 6th, 2005 at 6:57 pm
Notice how he failed to tell the story about when that “egghead” scared him into academic submission in all her vampy glory.
November 6th, 2005 at 11:43 pm
mairceridwen - Such a good one! Vamp Willow had her definite bonuses!
February 1st, 2006 at 6:55 pm
OJ is only 4 years older than Pete Carroll. Speaking of OJ, who thinks that the Juice would make a good vampire fighter, prefering the decapitation to the staking I would think.
Percy was a tool, but maybe he was a two-sport tool- football (US style) and basketball. He would most likely have red-shirted as a freshman. Shoulda had him eaten by the snake at graduation.
February 1st, 2006 at 8:42 pm
I prefer to think that vamp Willow knocked some self awareness into him. Opened him up to Willow so she could help him become a decent human being through their continued tutoring relationship.
Also, that was way funny when they are in Snyder’s office, he’s giving the you two are the best of two worlds speach and Will looks at him and says, “You want us to breed?”
February 2nd, 2006 at 3:40 am
“You want us to breed?” Ha ha, I had forgotten all about that line! And I agree that vamp Willow knocked or scared some sense into him, but then he got snotty a year later. That still pisses me off! And no one liked that snotty chick he was with!
February 2nd, 2006 at 4:40 am
I stand corrected S’blue. I don’t remember that in S4 but am watching that season now and will look for it. I guess even Willow influence can only last so long when your, (Percy’s) nature in contradictory.
And,,, how could you forget that S’blue, that’s from DOOPLEGANGLAND. Any self respecting buffy nut should be required to memorize that most hallowed of episodes.. ha
February 2nd, 2006 at 4:43 am
Percy and his mean girlfriend who saw Willow at the party was in Doomed, before Willow saw the dead guy.
February 2nd, 2006 at 4:52 am
well, guess we know what episode I have memorized, hence my username. (”Giles I accidentally killed Spike. That’s okay, right?” and “pouty lip, gonna get it”) But I should go and watch Dopplegangland again, just to sharpen my Buffy skills!
February 9th, 2006 at 6:57 am
hahahah i love the conversation from earshot between will and percy
percy- “um look i cant make it to the study sesion after school could we do it 5th period??”
will- “Ok, did you finish the reading?”
percy- “most of it”
will- “percy”
percy- “i’ll finish it at lunch”
will- “Thats my little trooper”