[1.07-27.01] Good timing?

Goof seen in: Angel at 27.01

How did Darla know that Angel would arrive at Buffy’s house, just in time to be found with Joyce?

Related Trivia:
  • [5.07-12.05] Bad timing
  • [3.13-39.10] The bomb
  • Was it good for you?
  • Good taste
  • Missing Willow
  • Using words for good
  • Augmentation spell
  • Little Curl
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 19th September 2004
    Updated: › 14th February, 2005
    Hits: › 535  

    4 Comments about “[1.07-27.01] Good timing?”

    1. demonicangel says:

      Well Angel is all like hot and broody and like… OBVIOUSLY PHSYCIC… leave him alone!

    2. anniec says:

      Darla knows Angel, and she knows he’s in love with Buffy. It’s a good bet on her part that Angel will be lurking around when Buffy is due home.

      Yeah, Darla’s sense of timing was preternatural–she managed to arrive at Buffy’s house just before Angel showed up to begin his lurking. But a detail like this one is part of the creative license, like the Bronze being closed for the night just when they need a big empty space in the “bad part of town” to knock around in. (Cordelia identified it as the bad part of town in the first epidode. Being in this part of town means there won’t be anyone around to worry about the gunshots.)

    3. Mullsen says:

      I see it more as Angel’s arrival was just a coincidence. Darla knew when Buffy would be home, and planned to kill her mom before that. Buffy would arrive home, finding Joyce killed by a vampire, and the only one she knew that had been invited into their home was Angel, making him the most likely suspect. It seems to make more sense that that was Darla’s plan, and Angel just happened to come along at the right/wrong time.

    4. marvin21st says:

      Are you all forgetting that Darla sired Angel so there is an obvious connection there. Plus in season seven Spike is tracking Buffy by smell it would be very easy for them to do the same.

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