[3.10-19.49] The First

Goof seen in: Amends at 19.49

The First Evil cannot touch (discovered in Amends and in season seven), yet the First/Jenny clearly touches Angel.

Source:› Thanks to Jamie
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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 4th October 2004
    Updated: › 18th April, 2005
    Hits: › 269  

    3 Comments about “[3.10-19.49] The First”

    1. slightlyembarrased says:

      Also, in “Lessons”, notice when, at the end of the episode, as Spike is crouching in the basement of the school, and all the various manifestations of the First appear, Drusilla/The First strokes Spikes hair, and it moves as she touches it.

    2. Angel242 says:

      Yes! very true.
      Also, I don’t know. But if the first can’t touch anything because it’s not solid it seems weird that it can sit in sofas.

    3. Esual says:

      yea well this goes back to the Angel series five when Spike is “non corporial”, how come he can walk through walls, tables and floors, but when he wasnts to sit down he can?

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